For any relationship to truly flourish, trust, understanding, commitment, and support are as essential as breathing. Take away one, and you’re on a roller coaster ride to Heartbreak Town.

Picture this: a woman, let’s call her Jane, turns to Reddit—the modern-day oracle of confessions—to vent about how her once-steady ship of five years hit an iceberg of suspicion. Married for just two weeks, and already her husband, let’s call him Tom, decided to ruin his reputation over a whiff of cologne. Oh, the drama!

So, where did all this smell and fury begin? Tom was called to the rescue when his mother—a dab hand at car-dodging—needed surgery after Tom accidentally hit her while backing up the driveway. With Tom off to play dutiful son, Jane, ever the busy bee, stayed back home to work.

From Home Alone to Homeless

After a few days, Tom returned and was immediately assaulted by a foreign aroma—men’s cologne—in their apartment. Jumping to conclusions faster than a kangaroo on a pogo stick, he grilled Jane about it. Busy Jane, running late for work, didn’t engage in the Spanish Inquisition and thought nothing of it. That was a mistake.

Returning from work later, Jane found herself locked out. Yes, you read that right. Tom had changed the locks! Jane, perplexed and probably cursing under her breath, sought refuge at her mom’s place.

Meanwhile, Tom played Ghostbuster—wouldn’t answer his phone calls, but had his mother dial-up accusations faster than a vintage rotary phone. The pièce de résistance? They wanted Jane to return the $18K wedding ring faster than you can say