When we are in a relationship with someone, we want to do what we can to trust them in all matters. This includes money matters, but not everybody is worthy of such trust.

A woman discovered this when she was still dating her boyfriend and after a few months, she noticed a pattern that was taking place every time they went out to eat. They would go out to a planned meal but her boyfriend would forget his credit card.

It was a frustrating situation but she didn’t know quite how to handle it. That is when she went to Reddit to try to get some justification for her feelings or perhaps a readjustment.

Let me paint you a picture. Our heroine is dating a man—a 36-year-old father of two adorable munchkins. Now, it’s all sunshine and rainbows until they step foot in a restaurant. Just as the kids light up with glee at the prospect of an extravagant meal, his memory seems to short-circuit. Surprise, surprise—his credit card is AWOL.

With her heart (and wallet) probably heavier than before, she foots the bill, not wanting to disappoint the kids. Fast forward to today, she finds herself juggling two jobs, and the financial strain of these dinners is becoming a serious problem.

Imagine this: She has finally saved some money from her part-time gig, and they plan another outing. Determined to avoid a repeat episode, she sends him a text—