They sometimes say that patience is a virtue, but let’s be honest – it seems to be the unicorn of virtues these days. We’ve all got that inner ticking time bomb, ready to go off at any moment, especially when life’s stressors start piling up. But have you ever stopped to think that flying off the handle might end up costing you more than a little blood pressure spike? Buckle up, buttercup, because this tale’s about to take you on a wild ride of entitlement and its unintended consequences.

Meet Grandma and Grandpa, the dynamic duo in their 70s, who are grandparents to five fantastic grandkids. Now, don’t be quick to yawn and scroll past just yet – these aren’t your garden-variety grandparents. They have a super-secret tradition, almost like their own little family lottery. Here’s how it goes: They give a modest present (we’re talking the cheapest item on the registry) for the wedding and then, surreptitiously hand over a whopping $40k check just before the big day. But – and this is a Kardashian-sized but – it’s to be kept a secret. They live by the old saying, “Shh, don’t tell anyone.”

All was going smoothly, until the youngest granddaughter tied the knot last October. True to form, Grandma and Grandpa sent her an air fryer – the thriftiest thing on the registry. And that’s when things took a nosedive quicker than a piñata at a kids’ party. Little Miss Entitlement rang them up, all guns blazing, accusing them of being stingy and not flaunting their riches to show how much they love her. Major yikes, right?

Flabbergasted and clearly rattled, Grandma and Grandpa did what any cornered grandparents might, they upped the ante and got her a fancy china set. But the $40k nest egg? That went back into the vault – she’d sealed her fate with her bratty behavior.

A few weeks ago, the plot thickened. Youngest granddaughter caught wind of the covert cash gifts her siblings and cousins had received. Cue the tsunami of fury. She rounded up her Sherlock Holmes act, verified the information, and then furiously confronted Grandma and Grandpa for what she called “discrimination.”

Our seasoned duo explained they had zero regrets about withholding the money, citing her disgraceful behavior as the reason. Cue the waterworks – the granddaughter claimed she was just stressed and begged them not to be so hard-hearted. But our seasoned sleuths, standing firm, turned a deaf ear.

Now, she’s boycotting Christmas, and her mom’s ringing them up, dubbing them the ultimate AHs. Well, folks, as the curtains close on this family drama, one can’t help but wonder if there’s a lesson worth learning here. Spoiler alert: It’s probably that a bit of patience, gratitude, and maturity might be worth a lot more than the most coveted wedding gift on your registry