Two elderly women reunited for the first time at their 60th high school reunion. They spent time chatting and catching up on their lives since graduation.

One of the women mentioned that she had been married four times. The other, quite surprised, exclaimed, “Four times! You’ve had four husbands?”

“Yes,” the first woman replied. “My first husband was a banker, my second was an actor, the third was a rabbi, and my current husband is an undertaker.”

“That’s quite a mix of professions. Why did you marry such a variety of men?” the second woman asked.

With a twinkle in her eye, the first woman explained, “I had a purpose for each. One for the money, two for the show, three to get ready, and four to go.”

There was also a little old lady who was very spiritual. Every day, she would step out onto her porch, raise her arms to the sky, and yell, “Praise the Lord!”

Her neighbor, an atheist, moved in next door and soon became irritated by her daily proclamations. After a month of hearing her, he stepped out onto his porch and yelled back, “There is no Lord!”

Despite his protests, the little old lady continued her daily routine.

One cold winter day, she found herself short of food and unable to get to the store due to heavy snowfall. She went out on her porch, raised her hands up to the sky, and prayed, “Help me, Lord. I have no more money, it’s cold, and I have no more food.”

The next morning, she discovered three bags of food on her porch, enough to last her a week. Overjoyed, she yelled, “Praise the Lord!”

Her atheist neighbor jumped out from the bushes and exclaimed, “Haha! There is no Lord. I bought those groceries for you!”

Without missing a beat, the little old lady raised her arms to the sky and shouted, “Praise the Lord! You sent me groceries and made the Devil pay for them!”