Picture this: being a grandma asked to babysit her grandkids, Lily (5) and Jack (4), for five whole days. Now, I know what you’re thinking – that’s practically a lifetime in grandma years! But since my son Ethan and his wife Sarah usually relied on Sarah’s mom for these kinds of favors, I figured, why not step up?

So, Ethan and Sarah jetted off to Mexico for a sun-soaked break. Meanwhile, back in good ol’ grandma-land, I got an unexpected invite to a birthday bash at none other than Disney World. Instantly, I thought, ‘The perfect opportunity for some unforgettable bonding time with my grandbabies!’ Sarah had mentioned wanting to take the kids to Disney, but it was one of those ‘someday’ things that seemed so far off.

Did I ask their parents? Of course not! Who wouldn’t love a surprise trip to the happiest place on earth?

Fast forward to Ethan and Sarah’s return from Mexico. Let’s just say, Sarah’s reaction wasn’t what I’d expected. Tears, accusations, the whole shebang. Apparently, I’d stolen a major milestone from her – seeing their kiddos’ first Disney experience. Ouch, right? Being labeled selfish and entitled by your own daughter-in-law stings, especially after doing them a solid with childcare.

Ethan joined the fray, insisting that I apologize to keep the peace. But stubborn as I am, I didn’t feel like I’d done anything wrong. Spiel time with the grandkids at Mickey’s house? That was supposed to be pure magic!

Then came the nuclear option: Ethan suggested I spill this saga on Reddit to see what the internet jury thought. And oh boy, did I get schooled. Reading through the perspectives made me think (like seriously think) about the messy beauty of human relationships, the blunders we commit, and the lessons we learn along the way. It turns out, this whole grandma-goes-rogue situation might not have been the best move.

Ultimately, my post-sign-off reflected my mixed emotions: while I hope to mend things with Ethan and Sarah, right now, I just need to know – AITA?

So, what’s your take? Would you be over the moon or over it if grandma whisked the little ones off to Disney without a heads-up?