Some really incredible technologies are entering our lives right now. Did you know Dublin already has buses with USB ports where any passenger can charge their device on the go? At the same time, inventive (and lazy) people make this world better by proving we can create the comforts of the future almost from scratch. So unexpected and different, the year 3100 is closer than we think — with the help of both science and creativity.

Bright Side has collected a bunch of unexpected photos that prove that the future is right around the corner.

Now you can take a morning ride even if your office is in your home.

Talk about multitasking! Imagine cycling while handling all your morning meetings. If you didn’t get enough excitement from your coffee, this ride will surely do the trick.

Who said you can’t sleep comfortably on a bus?

This is for all the sleep-deprived commuters out there. This invention will have you hitting snooze while the bus hits every pothole in the road.

No one will escape from this guy.

Our escape plan from boring reality has hit a wall — Mr. RoboEnforcer here just upgraded the game of chase.

This is Jarvis. He’s a staff member of a hotel in Palo Alto.

Meet your new bellboy, concierge, and general best friend—all wrapped into one adorable robot named Jarvis. It’s like Tony Stark’s buddy, but real!

When you’re a parent, you gotta be creative.

Parenting level 100 achieved. Forget the swings at the park; this future parent hacks their way to child entertainment.

You’ll always be able to spot the vacant bathroom!

Never awkwardly jiggle a bathroom door handle again. This tech-savvy solution keeps the guesswork out of your bathroom breaks.

AliExpress + imagination = future

Who needs a trip to the future when a little online shopping and creativity can get you there faster?

Meet some school hacks from 3020

Students are lightyears ahead, literally! This new wave of classroom creativity makes textbooks look ancient.

This generation IS brilliant

They can take nothing and turn it into something amazing. Can we get an innovation award over here?

I wish I was as creative as this guy.

Some people see a lemon and make lemonade. Other people see a chaotic opportunity and invent something clever out of it.

RoboCop’s dog?

Literally man’s best robot friend. If only it could fetch coffee too!

The key to future technologies is simplicity.

Why over-complicate when the future is all about making life easier, one clever solution at a time?

They should have patented this.

If only they’d thought about the billion-dollar potential, they could be swimming in futuristic cash by now.

The next level of water for your dog:

Breaking news! Some travelers already live in the year 3100.

Who needs teleportation when you can travel in such style? Next-level convenience looks like this, folks.

Have you ever witnessed any proof of time travel? Maybe it’s you who was the mastermind of a futuristic invention? Share your stories with us.