Ask anyone who is actively dating and they will tell you, it can be a challenge at times. Meeting someone special and trying to be on your best behavior can sometimes be a recipe for disaster. But hey, at least it makes for great stories!

Let’s take a look at some unusual dating experiences shared by people. You might find them amusing, and who knows, maybe they’ll even top your own experiences!

Unforgettable Dating Mishaps

  1. In a Reddit post, a woman shared her horrible dating experience. On their first date, her partner dominated the conversation, complaining about every aspect of his life without giving her a chance to speak. Feeling frustrated, she excused herself to the restroom and decided to drive home instead.

  2. Another Reddit user went on a date with someone who couldn’t take their eyes off their phone. The user noticed this and discreetly asked for separate bills, settling their portion of the bill before leaving.

  3. At 18 years old, a man in the Air Force went on a date set up by his roommate. The group decided to watch a movie, and his date surprised everyone by bringing a giant stuffed rabbit named Pebbles. After the movie, they went for ice cream, and as they reached the door of her cousin’s home, his date suggested that he not only kiss her but also Pebbles to avoid any potential jealousy. Quirky, right? He obliged and kissed both.

  4. A man was set up on a blind date by a friend. When they met at the theater, he realized that his date looked nothing like her online photos. To make matters worse, she introduced him to her parents and her nine-year-old brother, who joined them for the movie. Throughout the film, the brother continuously kicked the back of the man’s seat. Unable to endure the situation any longer, he excused himself to the restroom and decided to drive home instead.

  5. During a first date at the London Zoo, a woman was surprised when her date asked her to cover her own ticket. He even used a two-for-one voucher, allowing himself to enter for free while she paid for her own ticket. Quite a baffling move indeed!

  6. While having dinner with a man, a woman noticed his wedding ring accidentally slip out of his pocket when he reached for his wallet. Disgusted by the situation, she immediately threw some cash on the table and decided to walk home. Sometimes circumstances are just too repulsive to have an appetite.

  7. On a first date, a man was taken aback when his date confessed that she was engaged but wanted to go on a few more dates to make sure her fiance was the right one. It didn’t take long for the man to request the check and make a hasty exit.

We all have our fair share of dating mishaps and strange encounters. It’s all part of the journey to find that special someone. So if you’re feeling discouraged, just remember that there are plenty of entertaining stories out there to lighten the mood. Keep on dating and who knows, you might just stumble upon the love of your life in the most unexpected way!