Revenge is a natural instinct that we all have, but sometimes it’s not worth the trouble. However, that doesn’t mean we don’t enjoy hearing stories of others getting their revenge. So, sit back and enjoy these tales of sweet, sweet payback, shared by real people.

1. My Kids And I Had A Jumping Party Before Leaving

A few years ago, I lived in an apartment with my young children. We were always mindful of our neighbors, and they understood that children can be a bit noisy. But when new neighbors moved in, things took a turn for the worse.

They constantly complained about even the slightest noise and would knock on my door demanding silence. One day, they went too far. My oldest daughter, who is on the autism spectrum, was singing and dancing to her favorite Frozen soundtrack when they banged on the door so hard that she got scared and hid under my bed.

I called the police, but there was no resolution. Frustrated, we decided to move. But before leaving, I played songs with jumping and stomping for my kids to have a jumping party. It might not have been the most mature response, but it felt good to get some petty revenge.

2. I’m Tired Of Having The Spotlight On Me

Last year, my neighbor’s attic light was always on, and it shone directly into my window. I politely asked them to turn it off, but they ignored my request. So, I took matters into my own hands.

I positioned a bright flashlight in my window, shining it directly into their kitchen. After just an hour, the police showed up at my door because they had called about the light. They finally understood how annoying it was to have unwanted brightness directed at them.

As a compromise, the police spoke to my neighbors and suggested they either cover the window or keep the light off unless the room was in use. The neighbors chose to cover the window with a giant piece of cardboard rather than simply turning off the light. Sometimes, revenge comes in the form of shining a light on someone’s thoughtlessness.

3. Neighbor’s Dog’s Poop Came Back

When I was a teenager, our neighbor’s poodle, Fifi, would come into our yard and leave her mess behind. We brought it up with the neighbor, but they shrugged it off. Fed up, I decided to take action.

I collected Fifi’s droppings and placed them on their doorstep. Later on, I witnessed our neighbor slipping on Fifi’s finest mess, getting it all over her expensive shoes and nice outfit. She was clearly annoyed, but I just shrugged it off – what goes around, comes around!

Sometimes, revenge is as simple as returning what was given to you.

These stories show that revenge can take many forms, from harmless pranks to petty acts that make us feel just a little bit better. While revenge may not always be the best solution, it’s nice to know that we’re not alone in our desires.