As we age, it becomes natural to wonder about death and what awaits us on the other side. It may seem macabre to some, but understanding what happens in our final moments can bring comfort. This was the case for Tina Hines, a mother from Arizona, who was declared dead for nearly half an hour. During that time, Tina managed to scribble down a spine-tingling note, revealing the incredible things she saw on the other side.

The extraordinary events unfolded in 2018 when Tina suffered a cardiac arrest. She technically ‘died for 27 minutes’ before being resuscitated. Now, she wants to share her mesmerizing experience with others to offer reassurance and awe-inspiring insights.

Before her life-changing health scare, Tina enjoyed a happy and active lifestyle. She had plans to embark on a massive hike near her home in Phoenix. However, her journey took an unexpected turn when she suddenly collapsed, turning a deep shade of purple. Her husband, Brian, was terrified and immediately began performing CPR while waiting for the paramedics.

Once Tina was in the ambulance, her condition worsened. The medical team resuscitated her several times during the ride, but for a nerve-wracking 27 minutes, she was officially deceased. Miraculously, she regained consciousness and urgently requested something to write on, eager to capture her memories of heaven.

From her cryptic scribbles, Tina revealed that she had written: “It’s real.” Those words sent chills down her loved ones’ spines.

Tina shared her experience with AZ Family, describing it as undeniably real. She encountered a breathtaking display of vibrant colors and came face-to-face with a figure standing at black gates, bathed in brilliant white light. She believed this figure was Jesus Christ.

While skeptics and non-believers may struggle to explain Tina’s near-death experience, her family asserts that it has deepened their faith. This profound event has solidified their beliefs to such an extent that Tina’s niece, Maddie Johnson, even got a tattoo on her wrist containing Tina’s cryptic message. It serves as a constant reminder of her own faith.

It is stories like Tina’s that make us wonder about the mysteries of life and what lies beyond. While death may seem daunting, her remarkable journey offers a glimpse of hope and reassurance.