Most of us have secrets, but not all of us have dark secrets that we try to keep from those who are closest to us. We want to be as open and honest as possible but that is not always the case for everyone. Sometimes, somebody may have a secret that is so dark and hidden that it needs to stay hidden forever. We often refer to these secrets as something we will take to the grave.

In the following story, the man had exactly this kind of secret. When his wife started to uncover his web of lies, however, it unraveled further than anyone could have imagined.

The Pregnancy and Ava’s Invitation

I’m currently pregnant with baby number two, and you know how when people say that your second pregnancy will be more emotional? I initially didn’t believe it as I thought it was an old superstition my mother shared. However, there is some truth to it. Although it had nothing to do with my baby and all about my husband.

Most of my second pregnancy saw me wanting to hide and fulfill my junk food cravings. However, Ava, my best friend, wanted me out of the house so we could do things together. She suggested going to a pottery place for a pottery party. I wasn’t really excited about it initially, but she convinced me by saying we could create stuff for my upcoming baby’s nursery. So, I reluctantly agreed.

Unveiling the Dark Secret

When we arrived at the pottery place, there were 15 other women there for the same event. We started chatting about birth stories, sharing our own experiences or stories of someone close to us. Then, one woman shared a story about going on a date with her boyfriend and how he had to leave suddenly because his sister-in-law went into labor. It was the 4th of July, the same day my firstborn, Tess, was born, and my name is Olivia.

As she continued her story, she mentioned her own birth story that happened six months later. I was busy looking at the different paint colors when she said, “But Malcolm missed it! Can you imagine?” It was then that I realized she was talking about my husband, Malcolm. He was there for his niece’s birth but not our son’s.

Ava whispered to me, “Wait, your boyfriend’s name is Malcolm?” I confirmed it, showing her a photo of Malcolm, Tess, and myself on my phone. The woman nodded, looking at me blankly before mumbling, “Your husband? But he’s the father of my child, too.”

I was devastated. The room started spinning as I tried to process what had just been revealed. The pottery party turned into a surreal nightmare. It dawned on me that my husband had not only cheated on me but had also fathered a child with this woman. The other women in the room exchanged sympathetic glances, understanding the gravity of the situation. Overwhelmed, I excused myself and left the gathering, tears streaming down my face.

Confrontation and Moving Forward

In the bathroom, I tried to collect myself and make sense of it all. I knew I couldn’t let this fester, especially with my due date just five weeks away. I had to confront Malcolm. Reluctantly, he admitted to the affair and the child he had fathered. Now, I’m eating chocolate and researching divorce lawyers. I need to figure out how to move forward and protect myself and my unborn child from this mess.