Kevin: A Man with High Standards

Kevin, a 42-year-old single father from Fife, is on a quest to find love. He proudly admits that he has quite high standards when it comes to finding a partner. In his pursuit of happiness, Kevin firmly believes that he should never settle for anything less than what he truly desires.

Appearance Matters to Kevin

For Kevin, physical appearance holds significant importance. He openly acknowledges that he is not attracted to women he considers “ugly.” However, he also admits that he is not Brad Pitt, but he believes he can attract women who fulfill his criteria.

The Challenge of Finding the Dream Woman

Kevin understands that his preference for high-end appearance makes it more difficult to find his dream woman. He realizes that the competition for such women will be fierce. Nevertheless, he is determined not to settle for anything less than what he truly wants, even if it means spending a significant amount of time alone.

Kevin’s Dating Journey

Although Kevin is currently in a committed relationship, he has had his fair share of ups and downs in the dating world. He explains that his commitment to a sober lifestyle makes it challenging to meet potential partners through conventional methods like going to bars or pubs. He also expresses his dissatisfaction with dating apps, as many of his matches don’t respond or fail to meet his standards of attractiveness.

Embracing His Lifestyle Choice

Despite the challenges, Kevin stands by his decision to maintain his high standards. He made the choice to lower his standards in the past but found that it brought him no satisfaction. Now, he is content with being single until he finds someone who meets all his criteria. Kevin firmly believes that being single and refusing to settle is a lifestyle choice, one that he embraces wholeheartedly.

So, while Kevin may be on his own for now, he remains optimistic that someday he will meet his ideal companion—the one who fulfills all his requirements and makes his heart truly happy.