Traditions have a way of bringing people together and creating cherished memories. Some of these traditions are handed down from generation to generation, becoming an integral part of our lives. However, not all traditions are family-friendly or welcomed by everyone.

One such tradition that occasionally takes place at ballgames is the streaker – someone who runs onto the field, interrupting the game and adding a dash of unexpected excitement. While some may find it amusing, others argue that it crosses a line.

On the evening of June 11, during a game between the Cincinnati Reds and Cleveland Guardians, a baseball fan decided to join the ranks of streakers. Wearing a Johnny Bench shirt, he dashed onto the field during the ninth inning, causing a commotion and even stopping to chat with one of the players.

As the police approached to apprehend the streaker, he defiantly performed a backflip, earning applause from the crowd for his impressive athleticism. However, a second security guard had seen enough. He swiftly pulled out a Taser and, with a well-aimed shot, brought the unauthorized running to an abrupt halt.

Following the incident, it was reported that 19-year-old William Hendon faced criminal charges for his actions. These included felony criminal trespass and obstructing official business, along with a misdemeanor.

While the debate rages on regarding the legitimacy of streaking as part of the ballgame tradition, one thing is clear – this particular streaker certainly got more than he bargained for.

Is streaking at ballgames a harmless and amusing tradition, or does it cross the line of acceptable behavior? The answer may differ depending on who you ask.