You’ve danced around in the fields of romance, and here you are, staring at your phone, pondering if he’s the one glued to you for the long run. Not sure about the hints he’s dropping? Oh, darling, he’s like a cryptic crossword puzzle – but worry not! We’re here to decode those oh-so-adorable signs that he’s not just playing games, but actually wants to walk down life’s path with you.

He’s Mastering the Art of Slow and Steady

Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is your budding romance. If he’s slowly escalating things and not sprinting like he’s in some relationship marathon, take a breather. This man’s got plans. When he starts factoring in your career, your dreams, and responsibilities, honey, he’s picturing you not just as a chapter, but the whole dang book.

He’s a Vault of Thoughts – and You Have the Key

Ever met a guy spilling his beans about his innermost thoughts? If he’s baring his soul and letting you in on his dreams, goals, and deepest fears, congratulations. Men aren’t known for their chit-chat prowess when it comes to their feelings. If you’re getting the full 3D tour of his mind, he’s serious about more than your pretty eyes.

The Extra Mile is His New Favorite Track

Sudden late-night calls, surprise gifts, and sincere interest in your latest hobby – something’s up. If he’s going out of his way to stay connected, be it through calls, texts, or surprise encounters, he’s not fooling around. Most guys aren’t chatty for the sake of chatting. If he’s up all night talking to you, love is definitely in the air.

The World is His Stage and You’re in the Spotlight

If he’s proudly introducing you to his circle, showing you off to friends and family, and doesn’t mind the spotlight, this guy sees you as a permanent fixture – not a temporary fling. Taking you to family gatherings or as a plus-one to his friend’s wedding? It’s serious, darling. No man willingly drags questions like “Are you two next?” into his life unless he’s got forever in mind.

The Eternal ‘We’

You know he’s in for the long haul when ‘I’ becomes ‘we.’ Whether it’s planning trips, dinners, or even mundane life routines, if you’re featuring in his future vision board, brace yourself for the long-term. Aligning his life plans with yours? That’s not just commitment; that’s love in action.

The Sudden Responsible Gentleman

Here’s a shocker – when guys start talking about savings, future homes, and life goals, they’ve hit the serious switch. If he’s suddenly discussing socking away money and showing an inexplicable interest in real estate, buying matching rocking chairs isn’t far off in his plans.

So, there you have it – if he’s ticking these off, he’s no Casanova skimming the surface. Strap in, because you’re in for a beautiful ride ahead. Mary’s take? Don’t just sit back and watch the signs. Embrace the journey, love wholeheartedly, and let the magic unfold. Here’s to love that’s profound, committed, and endlessly magical.