When my husband, Jake, handed me a schedule to “become a better wife,” I was floored. But instead of blowing up, I played along. Little did Jake know, I was plotting to teach him a lesson he’d never forget about respecting our marriage.

We’ve always had a solid relationship, except Jake often gets captivated by the latest fads, like a kid with a shiny new toy. Enter Steve – Jake’s new buddy, transformed into a self-proclaimed marriage guru. Steve, single and brimming with unsolicited advice, was dangerously charismatic in Jake’s eyes. The red flags started popping up when Jake’s remarks echoed Steve’s antiquated views. Comments about women managing the household and looking immaculate were beginning to seep into our daily conversations.

One evening, Jake came home unusually enthusiastic. He unfolded a piece of paper titled, “Lisa’s Weekly Routine for Becoming a Better Wife,” and slid it across the kitchen table. The audacity! The list was an insult topped with misogynistic expectations: waking up at 5 a.m., cooking breakfast, hitting the gym, completing household chores – all before my full-time job. Evening plans involved cooking gourmet dinners and entertaining Jake’s friends.

Suppressing my urge to lecture him about the 21st century, I decided to play Jake’s game but on my terms.