Life is short – so NEVER take the people close to us for granted. There is nothing worse than losing someone dear to you.

This viral story below is a great reminder of that. A year after leaving his wife, this man came to an important conclusion – but it was already too late. He was left with remorse for the rest of his life.

Beauty Isn’t Skin Deep

Picture a man who thought he’d won the lottery with a new, prettier partner. Fast-forward a year later, he’s sitting alone, holding a cup of cold coffee, hindsight giving him a chilly slap in the face. That’s right; he missed the forest for the trees, or more precisely, the character for the cosmetics.

When The Grass Seems Greener

A year ago, I divorced my wife. I left her for a prettier woman. My ex-wife became overweight, her skin was full of cellulite and stretch marks. Her chest and abdomen were sagging. She never combed her hair, and her hair was constantly messy. She never wore makeup, and usually went out with worn-out shoes. She never put nail polish on her nails and almost never shaved. She refused to wear a bra or make eyebrows. In short, I was no longer attracted to her. The woman I used to fall in love with remained only in my memories.

The Meeting That Changed Everything

Exactly a year after I left her, I met the woman who was once my wife. She shined from happiness and lost a lot of weight. She had a bright lipstick on her lips, and the dress she wore matched her wonderfully. Her body could not betray the fact that she gave birth to three children – they are my children as well.

That was the moment I sat and thought about the extra pounds. The result of her recent pregnancy. She certainly had a bigger belly, but it was that belly that gave me the most precious gifts in life. Her cellulite? Just because she did not have time to go to the gym: she had to take care of our children at all hours of the day. She did not have time to comb her hair, shave or put on make-up every day. She did not wear a bra because it was easier for her to breastfeed our little boy. She cooked, cleaned, ironed, and did everything with a smile on her face. She loved her family and life was perfect for her.

Remorse and Realization

So I want to tell you something today. I know what it’s like when you have a real wife at home, but I ruined everything. I said I did not want her. I replaced real beauty with the superficial kind. I could not understand or appreciate her true happiness and sincerity in being my wife and the mother of my children. Now, she spends most of her time with my youngest son, Benjamin. He is only one year old. The others are 3 years old, and do not need as much attention as before. So now she has more time for herself. She realized she did not need an idiot like me to appreciate her. I did not understand it then, and now it is too late.

The True Essence of Beauty

The real beauty lays inside. A critical point that this man did not understand until it was too late.

So, dear friends, let’s not wait to lose the golden treasures in our lives to realize their worth. Beauty is in those everyday labor of love acts, the sacrifices made for family, and the unwavering smiles amidst life’s chaos. Time to appreciate the real gems around us before it’s too late.