Dating… What a twisted game of risk and reward. In the modern age of apps and swipes, you’d think the universe could grant us a break. Yet, it seems we’re eternally destined to encounter the bizarre and unexpected when we venture into the world of romance. Some dates are heavenly, others are pure, unadulterated nightmare fuel. And let’s face it, the latter leave us with tales that’ll make anyone laugh, cry, and die inside just a little.

We’ve compiled a collection that dives deep into that second category – 16 dates so spectacularly dreadful, they might make you vow a lifetime of singlehood. Grab a drink, some popcorn, and let’s revel in the misery of these poor souls, shall we?

Stranded Without Sanity

Picture this: You’re enjoying a casual date night when suddenly your partner’s idea of a fun time is chasing after a stray dog for THREE HOURS. No joke. This wasn’t some cutesy romantic stroll; this was borderline insanity. Forget finding a stray; we need to locate their commonsense.

Priceless Awkwardness

How about being proudly shown someone’s coin collection for what felt like an eternity? Coins, people. I mean, unless this was a secret ploy to make a later escape more gratifying, this mint enthusiast seriously needs better date etiquette.

Unexpected Guests

There’s nothing like the casual mention of ‘Oh, by the way, my pet tarantula, Fluffy, escaped from its tank earlier’ to set the mood. Cue the slow, creeping horror as you wonder if Fluffy has a taste for toes. Spoiler: No second date here.

Gross Overshares

Get ready for a riveting tale about… bowel movements. Yes, in some twisted realm, someone thought sharing their digestive health patterns was prime date conversation. Honestly, I’d rather hear about their collection of rare toenail clippings.

The Table-Top Tragedy

How about this: You’re at a high-end restaurant gazing into each other’s eyes and suddenly, your date knocks over the candle display, setting the tablecloth aflame. Fire and passion, they said. Yeah, but not literally!

Penny Pinching Date

Imagine someone who deliberately orders water and a side salad as their entire meal just to avoid sharing the bill and utterly refuse the idea of splitting the tip. Next time, perhaps simply ask for an unpaid internship at the restaurant?

Parental Surprise

Ever had your date’s mom and dad join you mid-way through dinner? Oh, but they’re just visiting, and surprise, you’re meeting the parents on Round 1. Crazily enough, some manage to survive this ordeal. Others run, FAST.

Tech Distracted

Your date only has eyes for…their phone. It would be one thing if it were work, but games? Oh, the pleasure of intimately sharing a table with Candy Crush. Who needs romance when you’ve got high scores to beat?

Fashion Faux Pas

Rolling up in attire that screams ‘laundry day’… unless said date was simply making a statement about their comfort zone, which apparently includes stained sweatpants. What a sight indeed! A sitcom-worthy disaster.

Strange Tickets

Who wouldn’t enjoy a surprise date to a taxidermy showroom? Life-like animals frozen mid-snarl and awkward poses guaranteed to put anyone off their lunch. Certainly a conversation starter, though.

The TMI Enthusiast

There’s open, and then there’s oversharing. Encountering someone who gives you a complete medical history on date one? ‘I broke this bone once’ stories are rarely going to warm anyone’s heart.

Outdoor Odysseys

Ever ends up on a hiking trail… but in high heels? Someone must’ve missed the memo about proper footwear for traipsing through the wilderness. Expect blisters and a solid refusal to ever go out again.


Nothing kills the mood faster than rambling on about an ex. Couldn’t stop comparing you to their former flame during the entire date? Sounds fantastic. And by fantastic, I mean totally and utterly avoidable.

Clueless Conversations

Your date just cannot comprehend personal space, so they lean in for every spoken word, practically sharing your breath. Anyone else wishing for an invisible force field?

Hygiene Hiccups

When someone shows up looking and smelling like they wrestled a dumpster earlier – a stinging revelation that hygiene is indeed subjective. Did they forget the basics or just lose a battle with their laundry?

Expensive Flop

Last but not least, when someone splurges on a helicopter ride… only to vomit on themselves and you within minutes – congratulations, your date just transitioned from luxury to a queasy nightmare.

At the end of the day, each catastrophic date offers a valuable lesson: sometimes it’s better to stay home. However, misery and humor do get along quite well, don’t they? Don’t forget to cherish your dating horrors. After all, they’re the stories that keep life interesting… and give us a good laugh at someone else’s expense!

With all these lovely tales of romantic blunders, Karen thinks some people should just stick to Netflix and chill – and honestly, who can blame her?