Have you ever wondered what a simple image can reveal about your personality? Optical illusions, those delightful tricks for our eyes, often do more than just amuse us. Occasionally, they dive deep into the crevices of our minds and unveil aspects we didn’t know were there. Enter the TikTok sensation Mia Yillin (@mia_yillin), who has taken these optical illusions to another level by transforming them into personality tests. Her most recent one, which has swept the TikTok community with over 972,000 views, might just tell you how self-critical you are.

Let’s embark on this journey of self-discovery with Yillin’s intriguing test. The illusion features two possible images that your mind can pick out. But, what you notice first isn’t just arbitrary; according to Yillin, it’s deeply connected to your inner workings.

Which Image Did You See First?

Take a good look. There are two distinct images entrenched within this single illusion: a black crow perched on a rock and a man’s face ingeniously crafted from the arrangement of smaller boulders beneath the crow. Depending on what you discern first, it can offer significant insights into how you perceive yourself and others.

If You Saw the Crow First…

Spotting the crow first indicates that you have a tendency to be judgmental. Now, before you start considering if that’s a bad thing, Mia clarifies that it’s not necessarily negative. It means you have strong opinions, often developed without conscious effort. Your intuition is remarkably keen, leading you to form preconceptions and suspicions that are generally spot on. It’s a sign of a critical mind, always evaluating and questioning the world around you.

If You Saw the Face First…

On the other hand, if the face emerged first to your eyes, it signifies that you are likely very critical of yourself. According to Mia, this self-criticism is a form of self-defense. You worry deeply about being rejected or disliked by others, and as a preemptive measure, you criticize yourself harshly. It’s like an internal barricade you build to shield yourself from potential hurt. But Mia offers wise advice: don’t let these harsh self-assessments hinder your growth. Strive to embrace the person you wish to become, and silence the self-sabotaging voice within.

The Internet’s Reaction

It’s fascinating how accurate these tests can be, and Mia has a proven record of being spot-on with her analyses. Her followers didn’t hesitate to flood the comments section with affirmations of the illusion’s accuracy. One user marveled at how the explanation related to the crow hit the mark impeccably.

But as with all things, there are exceptions. For some, the illusion didn’t quite fit their personality or perceptions.

In the end, whether you saw the crow or face first, it’s saying something unique about your perspective. So why not take a moment to ponder: is it time to tweak the lens through which you see yourself and others? After all, a little self-reflection never hurt anyone. And that’s John’s two cents—embrace your intuition, moderate your self-criticism, and always remain open to the hidden layers of life’s fascinating illusions.