Do you ever feel like bugs are getting worse every summer? It can get so frustrating that you might avoid going outside in the evenings, as it seems like the bugs come out in full force just to annoy you.

But you shouldn’t have to give up enjoying your outdoor space because of those pesky insects. There’s a simple and cost-effective trick you can try, suggested by Newsner, that can help keep bugs at bay around your home.

Here’s what you’ll need for this easy project:

1. Heavy-duty freezer bag2. Sprinkle of table salt3. Splash of lime juice4. A few coins5. Water

To start, fill the freezer bag with water and add the salt, lime juice, and coins. After sealing the bag tightly, hang it above your door or in any area around your house where insects tend to gather. Make sure the spot you choose gets plenty of sunlight, although indoor lights work fine if you’re hanging it inside.

You might be curious about how a simple bag of water can drive away flies. The science behind it is pretty interesting. When sunlight or light from a bulb hits the water and coins inside the bag, it creates reflections. These reflections disorient bugs, making it difficult for them to see and fly. Hence, they tend to avoid areas with these hanging bags. The best part? This method is completely humane. No need for harmful chemicals or killing bugs!