Ah, marriage! That blissful union where two souls become one. Or, more accurately, where two individuals constantly find themselves in awkward, lovey-dovey predicaments while desperately trying not to say something disastrous. Ladies, listen up: for your marriage to stand the test of time, avoid revealing these five things to your husband. Trust me; your wedded bliss may just depend on it.

1. Your Previous Boyfriend

You see, reminiscing about Mr. Ex is the conversational equivalent of stepping on a minefield. Mentioning your former beau to your husband might make him feel like you’re comparing them. And comparisons? Oh, honey, they’re a no-go zone! Bragging about your ex’s achievements is basically saying, “Look at what you’re not!” which is bound to foster resentment.

2. Disparaging Remarks About Your Family Members

We all love a good family gossip session, but here’s the kicker: Trash-talking your family, especially your dear ol’ mom, to your husband is a recipe for disaster. Why? Because those mom jokes he cracks? Trust me, they’re not inherently funny to you. Instead of dissing your kinfolk, address those concerns intelligently and diplomatically. If it’s overwhelming, share it with your parents—not your spouse.

3. “I Regret Marrying You”

Ah, the mother of all marriage grenades. Ladies, no matter how agitated or incensed you are, blurting out “I regret marrying you” is akin to dropping a nuclear bomb on your relationship. Sure, situations can drive you bonkers, but mastering the art of holding your tongue can save you a world of heartache. Remember, words have a way of biting back.

4. His Wealthy Friends

Comparing your husband to his wealthier pals? That’s a surefire way to dampen his spirits. Your man may not be as flush as his friends, and trust me, he’s aware. Comparing him to his richer comrades will only make matters worse. Accept that people grow at their own pace, and instead of pitting your man against others, shower him with the respect, love, and support he deserves.

5. Divorce

Here’s a word to the wise: tossing around the ‘D’ word like confetti during a spat isn’t the smartest move. Threatening divorce when you’re not genuinely serious will only exhibit a lack of commitment. Men are notorious deep thinkers, absorbing every word. Threatening your marriage during a tiff discredits your union and may prevent him from fully dedicating himself to it.

In conclusion, dear wives, choose your words wisely if you want to enjoy many happy years of married life. A lot of marriages crumble because of poorly chosen verbiage. Speak with kindness, patience, and wisdom, and your marriage will be the strongest fortress there is.