Hold onto your hats, folks, because you’re about to dive into one of the juiciest family dramas ever to hit a newspaper’s obituary section. For Kathleen Dehmlow, her final farewell wasn’t filled with the usual platitudes and loving memories. Nope, it was more of a public airing of dirty laundry that had readers gasping, chuckling, and expressing outrage in equal measure. And trust me, you don’t want to miss this tale.

Published by The Redwood Falls Gazette, Kathleen’s obituary started off as your typical somber tribute. You know the kind: ‘Beloved mother, cherished grandmother, pillar of the community.’ But hold your horses because things took a turn faster than a soap opera plot twist.

Her two adult children decided they had a few things to get off their chests, and let’s just say they didn’t hold back. Instead of sweet reminiscing, they used the obituary to settle some old scores. They detailed grievances and past wrongdoings with the precision of a historian documenting a scandal.

By the time readers reached the ending, jaws had firmly hit the floor. The explosive final sentence was the literary equivalent of flipping the table. No wonder the obituary went viral quicker than you could say ‘family feud.’

Though the obituary was eventually yanked from the newspaper’s website due to massive backlash, the internet had already done its thing. Screenshots and shares ensured that Kathleen’s story was destined to live on in digital infamy.

One family member, Dwight, confirmed that the obituary’s bombshell contents were accurate. He acknowledged that Kathleen had made what he diplomatically called a ‘significant mistake’ six decades ago but insisted she had shown genuine remorse. Dwight blasted the obituary’s author for dredging up ancient grievances, noting such public airing could ‘inflict considerable suffering on numerous people.’

Despite the drama, the newspaper stood behind its decision to publish the obituary. The CEO pointed out there was ‘no legal prohibition’ against printing the content. They also stressed that their newspaper partners ‘uphold high content standards’ and promised a thorough review.

So, what does this sensational incident teach us? Well, for starters, it’s a stark reminder that even in death, family dynamics can be, well, complicated. Or, as in Kathleen’s case, downright contentious. Obituaries, usually bastions of respect and tribute, can become unintentional tell-alls that leave everyone talking—and not necessarily in a good way.

In the end, Kathleen’s final send-off didn’t bring her family together; instead, it sparked discussions far beyond Redwood Falls. Whether you see this as a cautionary tale or an intriguing piece of modern folklore is up to you. Just remember, when it comes to family, what’s left unsaid sometimes speaks the loudest.