‘I always check first before I give it to them’: Texas Roadhouse servers warn against asking for a to-go box if you’re going to do this

Tipping—it’s a custom that’s ubiquitous in American dining culture but often a source of contention. While most diners know that tips are crucial for servers, some folks conveniently forget. At Texas Roadhouse, this little oversight doesn’t go unnoticed.

Enter TikTok user @roadies457, who took to the social media platform to share a cheeky clip. In the video, two servers at Texas Roadhouse are reaching for styrofoam to-go boxes. As they remember that their table didn’t tip, they give the camera a knowing side-eye, suggesting those leftover rolls might not be making the journey home. Set to the guitar riff of Lady Gaga’s “Judas,” the video has garnered over 86,700 views since its September 11 upload.

When Your Table Asks for a Box

Among those who resonated with the playful dig, fellow Texas Roadhouse servers chimed in with their own experiences and suggestions. One commented, “I always check first before I give it to them lol.” This light-hearted affirmation was echoed by others who shared their strategies for dealing with the thankless toil of serving non-tippers.

“Ong that extra bread-to-go can stay up there in the window,” quipped another commenter, hinting that diners who forget to tip may also find themselves snack-less later. A third server lamented, “When I can’t do this cause I ask if they want boxes before giving the check.” Seems like there’s a bit of an art to passive resistance in Texas Roadhouse!

How Should Servers Handle Non-Tippers?

The question of how to handle non-tippers is—surprise, surprise—not unique to Texas Roadhouse. Just a cursory look at recent Reddit discussions reveals a general consensus: grin, bear it, and carry on.

In a Reddit thread titled “How do you handle non-tippers?” one user suggested, “Take the L, then next one will hopefully be better.” Another added, “How do I handle them? Real easy, ignore them and move on. Confronting them is gonna cause you nothing but grief, and it won’t change them.” Wise words.

A third Redditor brought a bit of balance to the debate by noting, “Some people don’t tip. Some people tip more than the 20% you earned. It balances out.” Adding a sprinkling of Zen to the mix never hurts.

More to Munch On

While non-tippers have long been a thorn in the side of the service industry, social media now allows servers to unite in their gripes and share some much-needed comic relief. The camaraderie can make those grimace-worthy moments easier to bear, knowing they’re not alone in their plight.

But the good news, folks, is that most diner-customer relationships are far more positive. While the odd experience with a non-tipper might stick out, many patrons do appreciate the hard work servers put in, rewarding them with that much-needed 20%—or sometimes even more!

If you’re one of those considerate types who always tips right (maybe even a bit extra when your drink comes with a lime wedge just the way you like it), then pat yourself on the back. You’ve likely made someone’s day!

And next time you head out for a hearty meal, perhaps to Texas Roadhouse, remember—the servers are watching, and your leftovers might just depend on the generosity you show. Whether it’s a little extra bread to take home or an extra smile from your server, tipping well is a win-win.

So here’s John’s two cents: Tips aren’t the only thing you leave behind. Your impression, your kindness, and yes, even your half-eaten rolls, stay with the people who serve you. Make it count.