Ready for a guessing game that will make you rethink your powers of observation? Buckle up! These people embody the phrase ‘age is just a number’ in ways that are both hilarious and utterly baffling.

Even if you’re confident in your age-guessing skills, these pictures are about to turn your expertise into a laughing stock. It’s time to meet some truly timeless individuals who seem to have cheated the aging process.

1. “13 going on 83. This is my sister with the Toni home perm in 1987. She told me to burn this picture.”

Ah, the era of big hair and perms. Can anyone blame her for wanting this memory erased?

2. “Me, aged 17, first-time letting my beard properly grow”

Congratulations to this 17-year-old who seems ready to lecture on the morality of growing facial hair. Professor-like already at this age!

3. “Everyone thinks I’m, like, 17, especially with this long hair. I turn 30 in 6 months.”

This youthful appearance must lead to some confusing moments when it comes to buying alcohol.

4. “The greatest picture of me: 7 or 43, with a mortgage, an ex-husband, and five cats?”

Looking like someone who’s planning a PTA meeting, not heading to the playground. Can we say wise beyond her years?

5. “Being 30 with baby face syndrome”

Getting carded while picking up kids from daycare must be an everyday adventure.

6. “That time when my mom got me glamour shots…”

Oh, the 80s. When everyone wanted to look like a soap opera star. Mission accomplished?

7. “I’ll be 30 this year, and I’m excited!”

Still waiting for the wrinkles? Maybe someday, but definitely not today!

8. “Here, I look like a 30-year-old actor trying to pass as a teen in an early ’00s soap opera.”

Who knew time travel could be so fashionable? Step aside, Benjamin Button.

9. “23M, glasses or no glasses”

The eternal debate of glasses versus no glasses. Makes you wonder if Clark Kent had the same problem.

10. “Me (right), looking like an assistant manager at Applebee’s at my middle school dance”

Middle school dance or first day at the office? The world may never know.

11. “I’m older than my friend behind me.”

The baby face steals the scene again. Some people just never age.

12. “12-yr-old me flying with Jack”

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it’s a very serious 12-year-old.

13. “I get mistaken for being a teenager all the time. My friends convinced me to do a ’13 or 30′ themed birthday this year!”

Imagine getting carded at your own ’13 Going on 30′ party. Now that’s irony!

14. “13 or 30?”

The theme continues. It’s like being in a real-life paradox.

15. “That time in the early ’90s when I was 12 going on 54”

Great for Halloween, not so much for family photos. But hey, it’s all about unique experiences!

16. “How can I look older? I’m 31.”

Forever young, no anti-aging creams required.

17. “Started balding at 14. I’m actually only 23, surprisingly.”

Bald at 14 or ageless at 23? Pick your illusion.

18. “My emo phase made me look like a 35-year-old mom. I’m a guy. The photo was taken when I was 13.”

The agony of youth complicated by an emo phase. We’ve all been there, but have we looked like this?

So, what’s the takeaway? Never judge a book by its cover, especially when that cover is perpetually 17. Age is a mysterious thing, and these captivating images prove it’s more about how you feel than a number. Prepare to be thoroughly intrigued the next time you attempt to guess someone’s age!