When teenager Jasmine Beever suddenly lost consciousness, she was immediately rushed to the hospital.

Though doctors were able to resuscitate her initially, Jasmine tragically passed away shortly thereafter. The hospital staff then faced the challenging task of unravelling the mystery behind her sudden death.

It wasn’t until they conducted an examination of her stomach that the doctors discovered a startling explanation.

In 2017, Jasmine Beever, a vibrant 16-year-old from Skegness, England, was having an ordinary school day. She began to feel unwell and decided to return home. Unfortunately, she collapsed at home and was swiftly taken to the hospital.

Tragic News

At the hospital, Jasmine’s family was met with heartbreaking news. Doctors explained that Jasmine had succumbed to an unusual condition known as peritonitis—a severe inflammation of the thin layer of tissue in the abdomen, commonly resulting from infection.

In Jasmine’s case, the source of the infection was particularly unexpected and disconcerting to those trying to understand her passing.

Unusual Diagnosis

Doctors found an unexpectedly large hairball in Jasmine’s stomach. This hairball had become infected over time. Since the body couldn’t digest or break it down, it eventually caused an ulcer to form in her stomach, which ultimately burst. This resulted in the failure of her vital organs.

Trichotillomania, an impulse-control disorder that compels individuals to pull out and sometimes eat their own hair, was identified as the likely cause. The NHS describes this condition as stress-induced. It can lead to the development of hairballs that block the digestive system, a condition sometimes referred to as “Rapunzel Syndrome”, according to The Independent.

Jasmine’s sudden passing was a monumental shock to her friends and the community at her school.

“She attended the Academy until earlier this year when she went on to follow her career dreams at a local college,” said Lead Principal Jo Edwards. Edwards added, “We will remember her as a friendly, positive, caring, and lively girl who brought a smile to everyone’s face.”

Jasmine’s memory shines on in the hearts of her family and friends, a reminder of the joyful and positive spirit she embodied. Rest in peace, Jasmine.

Please share this story so that other parents can be aware of this rare but significant diagnosis.