In this latest collection of confessions, 17 parents share their inner thoughts, from clinging to old relationships to confronting new realities and striving to break generational cycles.

Imagine if we had an internal guidebook that updated whenever life threw a curveball our way. Like a phone app, it would refresh overnight, preparing us for whatever changes awaited in the morning. Unfortunately, life doesn’t come with such conveniences — we must navigate it as best as we can. This sentiment is evident in our latest round of anonymously submitted confessions, where moms are tackling some hefty revelations.

Whether it’s adjusting to being the parent of a college student, facing a surprise pregnancy after losing a job, or coming to terms with one’s sexuality, parents are figuring things out on the go. Continue reading to see if any of these experiences resonate with you.

Scary Mommy Confessions are part and parcel of what makes our site enjoyable. If you’d like to share your own anonymously, keep an eye out for our weekly callouts on Instagram. To read previous Confessions, you can explore our website.

Still in love with my high school boyfriend even though I’m very happily married.

Confessional #84995278

My kid is at sleep-away camp for the first time, and it’s been so nice without her attitude here.

Confessional #86833103

I dislike my boss so much that I’ve decided to use my vacation time to figure out how to quit.

Confessional #83429877

Nothing in the parenting books prepared me for the college experience.

Confessional #81352308

I desperately need a vacation by myself. The constant demands from everyone around me are exhausting.

Confessional #86579079

I was laid off in March and just found out I’m pregnant with (surprise) baby number three.

Confessional #85191397

I want a divorce but don’t trust my husband to take care of our child alone every other weekend.

Confessional #81931279

I strive to be the exact opposite kind of mother to my daughter than my mother was to me.

Confessional #89548010

I dread bedtime with our four-year-old. If this were a job, I would walk out.

Confessional #81946701

Realizing my sexuality will probably kill my marriage.

Confessional #80476395

I’m finally letting go of my ex-husband.

Confessional #85281528

I’m dating again and realizing more and more how superior women are. Men seem so lacking.

Confessional #80809914

I worry about when my 28-year-old will learn how to support herself.

Confessional #80056583

For the first time, I can’t keep up with inflation. My mortgage bills are all late. Do we starve or what?

Confessional #87998414

We moved to a new state, and I feel so lonely.

Confessional #87563018

I couldn’t be the fun, relaxed mom I aspired to be this summer, and now it’s over.

Confessional #85229307

Feeling sad that no one celebrated my birthday when I go out of my way to make everyone feel special on theirs.

Confessional #88540647