Have you ever imagined having hair that touches the ground as you walk? Well, let me introduce you to Alia Nasyrova, a woman who can truly relate to the famous fairy tale character, Rapunzel. With an astonishing 90 inches of beautiful brown locks, she has earned the title of “real-life Rapunzel.” But achieving such extraordinary hair length hasn’t been a walk in the park. It has taken Alia two decades of dedication and hard work to accomplish this remarkable feat.

Alia, an enchanting beauty born in Latvia, has always admired long, luxurious hair. As a child, she was captivated by the heroines in her favorite fairy tales, dreaming of having flowing locks just like them. Today, she proudly calls herself the “Queen of super long hair” as she works as a hair model, showcasing her extraordinary asset.

Maintaining hair of such length requires utmost care and dedication. For Alia, looking after her hair has become a full-time job. She meticulously ensures that her locks remain healthy and beautiful. Her daily routine includes an hour of washing, using special shampoo and conditioner. Once washed, her hair requires an entire day of air drying. Whenever she ventures out of her home, she carries a specially designed bag filled with 22 pounds of liquids that include shampoo, conditioner, and other hair accessories.

To keep her hair in top shape, Alia even performs exercises on a yoga mat. Her loving husband, Ivan Balaban, adores her gorgeous dark locks and takes great care to avoid causing any damage. He treats the hair braid with respect and gives it the space it needs to thrive.

Having hair that gracefully trails behind you brings its fair share of challenges. Alia recalls a childhood incident when someone accidentally left gum in her hair during a theater performance. It turned into a hair emergency as the gum got all tangled up, and Alia had to take the difficult decision of cutting out a clump of hair. Such incidents serve as a stark reminder of the trials that come with having extremely long hair.

It’s important to note that Alia does not currently hold the record for the longest hair. That honor goes to China’s Xie Qiuping, who started growing her hair in 1973 at the tender age of 13. According to the Guinness World Records, Xie’s hair stretches an astounding 18 feet 5 inches, almost as long as a full-grown male giraffe!

Maintaining hair of such length is truly an extraordinary feat. We applaud Alia Nasyrova for her unwavering perseverance and commitment in cultivating her stunning long locks. It takes immense dedication to achieve and maintain such remarkable hair length. For those of us who may find hair maintenance challenging enough already, Alia’s extraordinary story is a fascinating tale to behold. So, what do you think of hair that is so incredibly long? Could you manage it, or do you prefer the convenience of shorter, more manageable hair?