Tanesha and mum Amand

Tanesha Ives, a brave 12-year-old girl, is celebrating a Christmas miracle this year. After enduring a life-threatening heart condition since birth, she has finally received a successful heart transplant and is heading home to be with her family in Barnsley, South Yorkshire.

Tanesha was born with a condition called complete atrioventricular septal defect, which created holes between the right and left sides of her heart. She underwent a pacemaker surgery at just 18 months old and has been in and out of the hospital ever since. But now, thanks to the incredible generosity of an organ donor, her life has been forever changed.

Speaking about her Christmas homecoming, Tanesha said, “It feels amazing to be home for Christmas and just be a normal kid again.” Her mother, Amanda, expressed deep gratitude to the donor and their family, saying, “We think about them every day. Without their selfless act, this wouldn’t have been possible. Having Tanesha home for Christmas is an enormous relief.”

An x-ray of Tanesha's heart

The road to Tanesha’s transplant was filled with uncertainty and anxiety. On October 25, Amanda received a call that a donor heart was available, and the procedure had to take place immediately – 100 miles away from their home. Amanda recalls the emotional rollercoaster, “I was scared, crying, a mess. But I had to stay strong for Tanesha.” Despite her fears, Tanesha fought through her own trepidation and came out of the surgery with resilience.

While Tanesha’s recovery progressed well, there were concerns about whether she would make it home in time for Christmas. Amanda worriedly shared, “I did have my doubts if she would be home for Christmas. But the moment the doctors gave us the all-clear, it was an incredible relief. We’re overjoyed she’ll be spending the holidays with her sister and me.”


Tanesha’s health struggles began at birth when doctors discovered the holes in her heart. Over the years, she required a permanent pacemaker and battled life-threatening sepsis after additional heart surgeries. In 2015, there was another scare when she stopped breathing in her sleep. Amanda vividly recalls the terrifying moment, “It was a shock for me and my family. I couldn’t hear her breathing, and she started fitting. I rushed her to the hospital.”


By the end of 2019, Tanesha’s health took another downturn, and doctors raised the possibility of a risky heart transplant. At the renowned Freeman Hospital Children’s Heart Unit in Newcastle, specialists determined that her heart was failing and prioritized her for a transplant in 2021. Now, the family is seeking assistance through fundraising efforts to cover the expenses incurred during Tanesha’s care.

Tanesha Ives with mum Amanda Bell, and sister Ashante.

Tanesha’s story is an inspiration to us all, reminding us of the resilience and strength of young individuals facing adversity. As Tanesha heads home for Christmas, her family cherishes this special occasion, filled with relief, gratitude, and the joy of being together.