Cheapskate Husband Wants To Be Buried With His Fortune – The Widow’s Revenge Is Very Clever

Having a stingy partner can be quite unpleasant, especially when it comes to handling money in a relationship. In this intriguing tale, we encounter a widow who found a clever way to honor her late husband’s dying wish – even if it was a rather unconventional one.

The husband in question was notorious for his tight grip on his finances. Money seemed to be his top priority, even surpassing the love and companionship he shared with his wife. As he faced his final days, he made a peculiar request to his beloved wife. He insisted that she bury him with all his money, as he wished to take his fortune with him to the afterlife.

Despite the absurdity and selfishness of his request, the wife, being an honorable woman, promised to fulfill his wish. However, she was determined to find a way around the situation that would be to her advantage.

The day of his funeral arrived, with the husband peacefully laid to rest in his casket. His wife, dressed in mourning black, sat beside their best friend, ready to bid him his final farewell. As the undertakers prepared to close the casket, the wife suddenly interrupted, saying, “Wait a minute!”

To everyone’s surprise, she brought out a small shoebox and carefully placed it inside the casket. Once the box was in, the undertakers sealed the casket and rolled it away.

Curious, the wife’s friend couldn’t contain her astonishment, asking if she had really put all the money in the casket with her stingy old husband. Without hesitation, the wife replied with an affirmative nod, explaining that she had made a promise and was committed to keeping it as a faithful Christian.

But there was a twist!

In reality, the clever widow had gathered all the money her husband owned and deposited it into her own account. As a final act of revenge, she had written a check to her late husband, ensuring that he would take his beloved fortune with him in the afterlife.

No one could deny that the widow’s move was both clever and quite fitting.

So, the moral of the story is that sometimes, even in the face of an unreasonable request, there are clever ways to find a solution that benefits everyone. And perhaps, it serves as a cautionary tale to those who are overly possessive of their wealth.

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