Every summer, tragic stories flood the news about babies dying in hot cars due to forgetful parents. It’s a heartbreaking reminder of the danger that lurks in even the most mundane moments.

Mom Thought She Was Doing The Right Thing By Hanging This Sign On Her Car

However, one mother named Bonnie Engle has sparked a furious debate by leaving her baby in a hot car intentionally while she goes shopping. What’s even more shocking is that she proudly displays a note on her car window explaining her decision.

Understandably, this handwritten note has divided opinions. Engle claims that she simply didn’t want to deal with the hassle of taking her child out of their car seat to go shopping. She underlined the words “OK,” “Target,” and “Be back soon” to ensure that concerned passersby wouldn’t mistake her intention and attempt to rescue her baby from the scorching vehicle.

The United States has seen too many babies suffer from heatstroke after being left in hot cars for prolonged periods. It’s a heartbreaking reality that plagues our society. Despite this, Engle apparently felt no fear of judgment when she decided to leave her son unattended in the car while she enjoyed some air conditioning at Target.

Engle shared a video on Instagram, pleading with people not to judge her and assuring them that her baby was safe and well. However, as the camera panned to the front of the car, it revealed Engle’s husband enjoying an iced coffee and munching on popcorn. Clearly, this was all part of their internet prank.

The video quickly went viral, amassing over thirty million views in a short period. While some parents on the platform were prepared to hurl criticisms at Bonnie, they soon realized it was all a big joke.

“For a second, I was about to get really upset… I was not expecting that,” wrote one mom.

Another person admitted, “My heart dropped, and then I laughed.”

While many found humor in Bonnie’s prank, there was an equally significant number who found it extremely offensive. They argued that given the heartbreaking reality of babies dying in hot cars, joking about leaving a baby alone in a car was tasteless and insensitive. The debate raged on, leaving us to question whether this mom’s prank was funny or offensive.

What do you think?