In a heartwarming gesture, a loving father has gone above and beyond to show his daughter that she will never be alone. Karl Bailey, a devoted 33-year-old dad, had a replica tattoo of his daughter’s rare birthmark inked on his leg.

His daughter, Isla Bailey, who is five years old, was born with a large Congenital melanocytic Naevi (CMN) birthmark covering her back. Additionally, she has over 100 moles on her legs, arms, and face, which she affectionately refers to as her “special spots.” Isla’s twin sister, Ruby, does not have CMN.

Karl decided to get the matching tattoo to help boost Isla’s self-confidence and remind her that she will always have someone by her side. When Isla saw her dad’s tattoo, she was amazed that he now shared her “special spots.” It made her feel very happy and a little emotional.

Currently, Isla embraces her unique features and proudly showcases her “special spots” to her loved ones. She is a confident and happy young girl who loves talking about her birthmark with her family and friends. Even her teachers have praised her for her confidence when questioned about her special spots.

However, Karl and Isla’s mom, Emma, understand that as Isla grows up, she may face challenges due to her visible differences. They wanted to do whatever they could to make sure Isla never feels alone on her journey. Karl wants his daughter to know that she will always have him by her side. He believes that her “special spots” are cool and wants to support her unconditionally.

After getting the tattoo, Karl shared a picture of himself with Isla and their matching marks on social media. His friends and followers praised his inspiring act of love. One person commented, “What an inspiring thing to do!” Another wrote, “You’re a wonderful daddy.”

Approximately one in 20,000 people are born with CMN. In some cases, CMN may affect the brain and spine, making it a potentially fatal condition. Karl sees his tattoo as an opportunity to raise awareness about CMN and the fantastic work done by the charity Caring Matters Now, which offers support to those affected by CMN and raises funds for research.

To further contribute, Isla’s mom, Emma, will be running the London Marathon in October to raise funds for Caring Matters Now. If you want to learn more about Isla’s condition and support Emma’s marathon efforts, visit her JustGiving page.

The Baileys’ story is a testament to the power of love, acceptance, and support within a family. The unconditional love and understanding demonstrated by Karl and Emma towards Isla provide an inspiring example for all parents. By embracing our differences and supporting one another, we can create a world where everyone feels accepted and loved.