
Imagine being a child who has endured unimaginable abuse from their own parents. Imagine a childhood filled with fear, hunger, and sadness. This was the reality for a young boy in Oklahoma, until he was rescued by the organization “Dreamcatchers for Abused Children”.

Dreamcatchers for Abused Children is a remarkable organization that provides support and care to children who have suffered abuse within their own families. These children are taken from their harmful environments and placed in a safe center, where they are given the love, support, and understanding they deserve. The ultimate goal is to find them adoptive families who can provide them with a happy and abuse-free life.

This young Oklahoma boy had endured years of physical abuse and starvation at the hands of his alcoholic parents. His childhood was stolen from him, robbed of the joy and wonder that every child should experience. But thanks to the intervention of concerned neighbors who called the police, he was rescued and brought into the loving care of Dreamcatchers for Abused Children.

With the help of the dedicated volunteers at Dreamcatchers for Abused Children, an adoptive family was soon found for this brave little boy. Overjoyed at the prospect of a new life with a loving family, he decided to express his hopes and dreams in a heartfelt letter to his future parents. What he wrote is a poignant reminder for all of us that there are children out there who have nothing and desperately need our help.

In his touching letter, he listed the simple things he wished for in his new family. He wrote:

“Things I want in my family:

  • I want food and water
  • Don’t hit on me
  • A house with running water and lights
  • I want love
  • Mom and dad don’t fight
  • I want no drugs
  • Don’t kill my pets
  • Help with school
  • Nice clean clothes
  • No lice. No bugs in the house
  • Clean house
  • Clean bed with covers
  • Don’t sell my toys
  • Treated fair
  • Don’t get drunk
  • TV in the house
  • Let me keep my school stuff
  • Nice shoes
  • My own comb, soap
  • Nice, safe house with a heater and coat
  • Toothbrush”

Reading this heartbreaking wish list, we are reminded of how fortunate we are and how important it is to help those in need, especially children who have suffered so much. We must never forget about the children who have nothing, who yearn for love and stability.

Dreamcatchers for Abused Children is just one organization fighting to make a difference in the lives of abused children. If you feel inspired by this story, consider supporting similar organizations in your own community. Together, we can provide these children with the safe and loving homes they deserve.