He saw six feet in bed so his wife made him count again

Imagine coming home and discovering a surprising scene in your own bedroom. This hilarious joke revolves around a wife, her lover, and her unsuspecting husband. Let’s dive right into it!

The story begins when the wife hears the sound of her husband’s key turning in the lock. Panic sets in as she realizes her lover is still in bed with her. With quick thinking, she tells him to stay put, reassuring him that her husband is too intoxicated to notice anything awry.

As the husband stumbles into the room, his vision blurred by alcohol, he notices something strange – six feet sticking out of the bed! Confused, he turns to his wife, demanding an explanation. “Hey, there are six feet in this bed! There should only be four. What’s going on?”

Trying to downplay the situation, the wife dismisses his observation, blaming his drunken state for the miscount. “You’re so drunk you miscounted,” she says. Encouraging him to get a better view, she suggests he step out of bed and try again from a different angle.

Taking her advice, the husband reluctantly climbs out of bed and begins counting aloud. “One, two, three, four…” he pauses, recognizing his mistake. Sheepishly, he admits, “You’re right.”

And just like that, the wife’s lover remains hidden, and the husband is none the wiser to their secret rendezvous.

It’s amazing how a simple miscount can lead to such a comical situation. This joke highlights the lengths people go to hide their secrets, even if only for a moment. So, the next time you find yourself in a similar predicament, remember to count carefully and laugh along with the absurdity of life!