Once upon a time, a lawyer and a senior citizen found themselves sitting next to each other on a long plane journey. Little did they know that this encounter would lead to a friendly and amusing game.

Two people on a plane

The lawyer, being quite confident, believed that he could easily outsmart the senior citizen. So, he proposed a game to pass the time. The senior, however, just wanted to rest and politely declined the lawyer’s offer.

But the lawyer persisted, insisting that the game would be a lot of fun. He explained the rules: he would ask the senior a question, and if the senior didn’t know the answer, he would only have to pay $5. In return, the senior could ask the lawyer a question, and if the lawyer couldn’t answer, he would have to pay $500. Intrigued by the challenge and to keep the lawyer from bothering him further, the senior reluctantly agreed to play.

The game began with the lawyer asking the senior the first question. “What’s the distance from the Earth to the Moon?” Without saying a word, the senior reached into his pocket, took out a five-dollar bill, and handed it to the lawyer. It turned out the senior didn’t know the answer, but he didn’t let that faze him. Instead, he cleverly chose not to waste any time and promptly went back to sleep.

Now, it was the senior’s turn to ask a question. He thought carefully and asked the lawyer, “What goes up a hill with three legs and comes down with four?” The lawyer, feeling quite confident in his abilities, turned to his trusty laptop and searched for answers far and wide. He even sent emails to all his intelligent friends, hoping they could help him. But despite his best efforts, he couldn’t find the answer. After a whole hour of searching, he finally gave up and woke the senior to hand him $500.

Imagine the lawyer’s surprise when, even after receiving the money, the senior still didn’t reveal the answer. He simply pocketed the $500 and went right back to sleep. The lawyer couldn’t bear the suspense any longer and woke the senior again, demanding to know the answer. With a smirk, the senior reached into his pocket, handed the lawyer $5, and went back to sleep without saying a word.

The lawyer was left in complete bewilderment, wondering about the question and its answer. It just goes to show that sometimes, no matter how intelligent we may think we are, there are moments when we can be outsmarted by others, regardless of their age or experience.

So, the next time you find yourself underestimating someone simply based on their age or appearance, remember this amusing tale and think twice. After all, wisdom knows no bounds, and intelligence can surprise us in the most unexpected ways.