In our society, there is an increasing pressure for women to conform to certain beauty standards, and one of those expectations is hair removal. However, there is a growing movement of women who are challenging these norms and proudly embracing their natural bodies.

One of these trailblazers is TikTok user Hairy Cherry, who has gained a large following by showcasing her body hair and promoting self-acceptance.

Cherry’s confidence extends beyond just embracing her body hair. She also raises questions about our daily routines, particularly the need for frequent showers. In a recent video, she humorously lip-synced to an audio clip saying, “Absolute waste of time, so boring!”

She playfully asked, “Who has all the time for an ‘everything shower’ every day?” Cherry encourages her followers to shower less often, conserve water, and embrace their natural selves.

Of course, Cherry anticipates the questions and criticisms that come with her decision not to shave. In another video, she candidly addressed these concerns, saying, “I’m a hairy girl. Of course, people are gonna ask if I shower.” She further remarked, “I’m a hairy girl. Of course, everyone assumes that I smell bad.” While some viewers applaud Cherry’s confidence and body positivity, not everyone agrees.

The comments under Cherry’s videos vary from supportive messages like, “Body hair is normal for girls and guys, why is this such a big deal?” and “Wish I had the confidence to do this,” to criticisms like, “disgusting” or “unkempt.” Despite these opposing views, Cherry remains focused on what truly matters – feeling good in her own skin, whether it’s shaved or unshaved.

Cherry is not alone in challenging beauty norms. Last year, two other women made waves by advocating that “you don’t have to be hairless to wear a bikini.” This movement is all about embracing natural beauty and promoting self-acceptance. It serves as a reminder that everyone has the right to define beauty on their terms and feel confident in their own unique appearance.