Have you ever imagined having hair so long that it trails behind you on the ground? Well, meet Alia Nasyrova, a woman who can truly relate to the famous fairy tale character, Rapunzel. With an incredible 90 inches of flowing brown locks, she has undoubtedly earned the title of the “real-life Rapunzel.” But let me tell you, this extraordinary journey hasn’t been a walk in the park. It has taken her two decades of sheer dedication to achieve such extraordinary hair length.

Alia, a Latvian-born beauty, has always had an undying love for luxurious, long hair. From her favorite fairy tale heroines to her childhood dreams, she has always admired those flowing locks. Today, she proudly declares herself the “Queen of super long hair” and works as a hair model, showcasing her extraordinary asset.

Taking care of hair as long as Alia’s is no small task. It requires unwavering care and dedication. For Alia, maintaining her hair has become a full-time job, and she makes it her mission to ensure that her locks remain healthy and beautiful. Her routine involves dedicating an entire hour each day to washing her hair, followed by a whole day of air drying. When she steps out of her home, she carries a specially crafted bag filled with 22 pounds of liquids, including shampoo, conditioner, and other hair accessories.

To keep her locks in top shape, Alia even performs exercises on a yoga mat. Her husband, Ivan Balaban, adores her gorgeous dark locks and always makes a conscious effort to avoid causing any damage. He respects the hair braid and gives it the space it needs to flourish.

Having hair that cascades behind you everywhere you go comes with its fair share of challenges. Alia recalls a childhood incident when, during a theater performance, someone accidentally left gum in her hair, resulting in a hair emergency. To resolve the dilemma, she had to cut out a clump of hair as it had become too entangled to remove the gum. Such incidents serve as a reminder of the obstacles that come with having extremely long hair.

It’s worth noting that Alia does not currently hold the record for the longest hair. That honor belongs to China’s Xie Qiuping, who began growing her hair in 1973 at the tender age of 13. According to the Guinness World Records, Xie’s hair measures an astonishing 18 feet 5 inches, which is almost as long as an adult male giraffe! Now that’s truly remarkable!

Maintaining hair of such length is undoubtedly a remarkable feat. We cannot help but admire Alia Nasyrova for her unwavering dedication and commitment in cultivating her stunning, long locks. It takes immense perseverance to achieve and maintain such extraordinary hair length. For those of us who may already find hair maintenance challenging, we can only marvel at Alia’s extraordinary story. So, what do you think of hair that is practically never-ending? Could you handle it, or do you prefer your hair shorter and easier to manage? Let us know!