Today, we mourn the loss of a widely beloved celebrity whose passing has left a void in the hearts of people all around the world. Anca Molnar, a famous make-up artist and influencer, passed away at the young age of 35 after a brave battle with a brain tumor. Her story serves as a tragic reminder of the importance of paying attention to our health and seeking medical help when needed.

Anca had been experiencing severe headaches for some time, but unfortunately, she did not pay much attention to them initially. Her close friend, Alina Radi, who was by her side throughout her journey, shares that Anca didn’t share her health struggles with her thousands of followers until it was too late.

Shortly before her untimely demise, Anca left a heartbreaking message for her fans: “I came, I lived beautifully, and I left for another world. I fought extremely hard. I’m thankful for how wonderful my life was, and let my smile show that I lived it to the fullest. My name is Anca Molnar, and I’ve gone home. But after that, I will always keep an eye on you! Do good things and look for me in the stars. Occasionally, I’ll wink at you!” This poignant message reflects her strength and resilience until the very end.

Sadly, Anca’s story is not an isolated case. Michelle Noakes, a 38-year-old mother of two from Devon, also tragically lost her life to a brain tumor. Michelle experienced strange sensations in her hands and feet on her wedding day but dismissed them as nothing significant. It wasn’t until her symptoms worsened that she sought medical help, only to discover that she had an aggressive brain tumor that could not be removed. Despite fighting with courage, Michelle passed away 19 months later, just before her 40th birthday.

To honor Michelle’s memory and raise awareness for brain tumor research, her family has raised over £7,000 for Brain Tumor Research. Louise Aubrey, the community development manager at Brain Tumour Research, expressed deep gratitude to Michelle’s family for their unwavering support. She also highlighted the alarming statistics surrounding brain tumors, noting that only 12% of people diagnosed with a brain tumor survive beyond five years, compared to an average of 54% for all cancers. Shockingly, despite this, only 1% of the national budget for cancer research is allocated to brain tumor research.

We must unite to bring about change. Greater awareness, resources, and funding are urgently needed to combat this terrible disease. Let’s remember Anca Molnar, Michelle Noakes, and countless others who have lost their lives to brain tumors. Together, we can make a difference and ensure that future generations do not suffer the same fate.