Timothy, my 7-year-old son, has severe autism spectrum disorder. Despite his challenges, he approaches life with boundless love and joy. However, he often struggles with understanding what’s happening around him and making friends.

To my surprise and delight, I received a special invitation from a super-cool mom whose son sits beside Timothy at school. This mom, who I haven’t met before, noticed Timothy’s longing for friendship and inclusion. She organized a birthday party for her son and took the time to write a heartfelt note, inviting Timothy to join the celebration.

As a parent of a child with special needs, I know the pain of seeing our kids left out of social gatherings, whether it’s sports events, play dates, sleepovers, or dreaded birthday parties. We have received many invitations in the past, but they were often generic, for the entire class.

Although I appreciate those invitations, I always decline them because I worry about the challenges Timothy’s presence might bring. The potential interruptions and meltdowns feel like they would steal the spotlight from the birthday child.

However, this particular invitation was different. The mom wrote a note that touched my heart. She shared that her son, Carter, always talks about Timothy and genuinely wants him to be there. She even offered alternative arrangements, such as Timothy coming earlier if the full class gathering would be overwhelming.

Reading those words, I realized how much they meant to me. Because of this mom’s thoughtfulness and understanding, Timothy would finally feel included and wanted. Because of her son’s connection with Timothy, my little boy would have a voice.

I want to express my gratitude to this amazing mom. Because of you, I can face another day with renewed strength. Because of you, I can handle another round of appointments and the curious stares and questions from others. Because of you, I have hope for Timothy’s future.

Thank you for being an incredible parent and doing such a fantastic job with your son. Your act of kindness will forever be cherished in our hearts.