31-year-old Invites Ill 89-year-old Neighbor To Move In With Him

How well do you know your neighbor? You may wave hello or exchange a few pleasantries, but have you ever considered the possibility of inviting them into your home? Chris Salvatore, a 31-year-old actor, did just that when he befriended Norma Cook, an 85-year-old woman living across the hall. Their incredible bond blossomed, leading Salvatore to extend an extraordinary invitation – for Norma to move in with him.

When Salvatore first moved in next to Norma and her cat Hermes back in 2013, their interactions were limited to polite greetings. But after a friendly introduction, an unbreakable friendship started to form. They soon became inseparable, sharing laughs, stories, and enjoying each other’s company.

Unfortunately, as Norma reached the age of 89, her health began to decline rapidly. A stay in the hospital revealed that Norma would require constant care to return home. With no children or nearby family to assist her, Norma faced a daunting challenge.

Determined to help his dear friend, Salvatore turned to the internet and created a GoFundMe page for Norma. Although they tried a few caretakers, it became clear that something more was needed. “The only other option was for her to go into a facility,” Salvatore shared, “but I just couldn’t do that to someone who is like my own grandmother.”

Without hesitation, Salvatore opened his apartment doors and invited Norma to move in with him. It was a gesture that would change both of their lives forever. Norma was incredibly grateful to spend her final days in the comfort of Salvatore’s home, surrounded by the love and companionship they shared.

As roommates, they enjoyed simple pleasures like watching the news, indulging in champagne, and snacking on peanuts. Their bond grew even stronger, and Salvatore became the grandson Norma never had. They cherished each moment together, making the most of their time.

Sadly, on February 15, 2017, Norma passed away. Salvatore shared the heartbreaking news on Instagram, where he often documented their adventures and happy times together. Saying goodbye was incredibly difficult for Salvatore, as Norma had become family to him.

Salvatore’s selfless act of kindness and compassion touched the hearts of many. It reminds us all of the importance of reaching out to others, especially our neighbors. Let Chris Salvatore’s heartwarming story inspire us to be kind, caring, and supportive members of our communities.

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