Have you ever felt like your love life was “hopeless,” and that you would never find “the one”? 21-year-old Karyn Vallantyne knows that feeling too well. Recently, she was telling her friend Grace about how she was ready to ‘give up on love’ entirely. Little did she know, a mysterious stranger had been listening. While on a train journey, Karyn was chatting gloomily with her friend on the phone. That’s when a kind-hearted stranger dropped a note into her lap and quickly exited at her stop. Expecting a cruel comment, Karyn was surprised and moved to tears when she read the woman’s words: “You’re worth more, move on.”

The simple note made Karyn realize that there is more to life than being in a relationship. Now, she hopes to track down the thoughtful stranger, whom she believes was sent by her “guardian angels,” to properly thank her. Karyn, from Basildon, Essex, said, “When I read it, I just burst into tears. It said ‘you’re worth more. Move on’. It’s so short but it had such a big impact… I wasn’t expecting it, I thought it was going to say ‘shut up’ or something, I didn’t expect it to be remotely kind.”

The stranger’s note was like a wake-up call for Karyn. She had been talking to her friend about her bad experiences in past relationships and was feeling down. Karyn confesses that she had lost hope and was ready to give up on love. But the stranger’s kind gesture made her see that there is more to life than romantic relationships, and it taught her not to place so much value on external gestures like receiving flowers on Valentine’s Day.

Karyn, who has since taken to social media to try and find the stranger, has received an outpouring of support and encouragement from people who were touched by the heartwarming gesture. Many believe that the stranger’s note was a sign from the Universe itself, reminding Karyn that she deserves more.

In a world where negative news often dominates the headlines, it’s important to focus on stories that inspire hope and kindness. That’s why the Mirror is committed to sharing more hopeful news. By celebrating the people, places, and movements that are making a positive impact, we can create a better world.

Karyn hopes to find the stranger and express her gratitude. She wants to send her flowers or something meaningful to show that she has acknowledged and appreciated what she wrote.