
We all want our children to grow up to be caring and kind individuals. Recently, a father was left in tears after receiving a touching message from his daughter’s teacher. The father, who goes by the username @sirsquid on Reddit, shared a screenshot of the message that praised his daughter’s kindness and compassion towards a classmate with limited communication and autism.

Three children in a nursery environment playing with toys together. They are lined up at a table and are picking up various toys to play with.

The teacher expressed how impressed they were with the man’s daughter, who is in Kindergarten, for her efforts in befriending and including her classmate. The teacher even mentioned that she tried using positive reinforcement, like stickers, to encourage the other student to use the restroom. The message ended with the heartfelt words, “You should be so proud of her! You are doing a fantastic job raising her!”

The emotional impact of this message was immense for the father and his partner, as they were brought to tears by their daughter’s compassionate nature. The father shared the message on Reddit, receiving an outpouring of support and admiration from fellow users. Many praised the man and his partner for their parenting skills and expressed how heartwarming it was to hear such positive feedback about their child.

A screenshot of the text messages sent by the teacher. There are two spots where the young girl's name was used, which have been covered up before posting.

The father also responded to a user who asked for tips on raising empathetic children. He attributed his daughter’s kindness to her inherently kindhearted nature. He mentioned that as parents, they simply show her love, listen to her when she’s upset, and encourage her to look after others. In his words, “Teaching compassion comes from being compassionate.”

This story serves as a reminder of the power of kindness and the impact it can have on others, even at a young age. The dad’s tears of joy are a testament to the pride and happiness parents feel when they see their children embody empathy and make a positive difference in the world.