Angelo, a dedicated 32-year-old plumber from Colorado, was finally getting a well-deserved break. He decided to spend a weekend with his beloved family at Windsor Lake, where he could enjoy some water activities. Little did he know, his vacation would turn into a life-or-death situation.

As Angelo was waist-deep in the lake, he felt something brush against his leg. Reacting quickly, he kicked at the object and brought it to the surface. To his shock, it was the foot of a three-year-old girl named Sitali. Her body was cold and she seemed lifeless.

Without hesitation, Angelo pulled the girl out of the water and shouted for help. He demanded to know who the child belonged to and why she had been left alone in the water. With the assistance of two off-duty nurses, Angelo performed CPR on the little girl, desperate to save her life.

Medical professionals arrived on the scene and rushed Sitali to Children’s Hospital in Aurora, Colorado. Angelo’s concern for the girl led him to visit her in the hospital during his own family vacation. He wanted to let her know that she was loved and cared for.

Although the media has hailed Angelo as a hero, he remains humble about his actions. He believes that anyone would have done the same if they had found a child in danger. He sees Sitali as his own and feels a strong connection to her.

Thanks to Angelo’s intervention, Sitali is expected to make a full recovery. However, this incident has sparked something within Angelo. He now aims to protect other children from similar dangers. He is raising funds to purchase life vests for families who cannot afford them. Equipping children with life vests while they are out on the water is a simple yet effective way to ensure their safety.

Angelo’s selflessness and courage have inspired many people. CBS Denver shared his story, and the response has been overwhelming. People have expressed their admiration for Angelo and emphasized the importance of keeping a close eye on children near the water. One person commented, “May God protect him. He realized the need for a comprehensive solution to the problem.” Another said, “When you take children to the water, you have to keep a constant watch. We often take their safety for granted.”

What do you think about Angelo’s incredible actions?