If you’re in the mood for a good laugh, you’ve come to the right place! The following story is guaranteed to brighten your day.

Imagine a husband and wife attending a lengthy ceremony at their local church. The husband notices that his wife has dozed off and decides to wake her up by gently poking her with his finger.

Just as he touches her, the sermon poses a question about the event that led the Israelites to freedom from slavery in Egypt. Startled awake, the woman blurts out, “The Almighty!” before dozing off once again.

As the ceremony continues, the husband pokes his wife again, coinciding with the sermon asking about the individual who sacrificed for the forgiveness of their sins. In her groggy state, the woman sleepily responds, “Jesus Christ!”

Now, the sermon poses yet another question, and the husband, still trying to keep his wife awake, pokes her for the third time. Unfortunately, the timing couldn’t have been worse, because the question is about the words Eve said to Adam after the birth of their last child.

At this point, the wife, annoyed by her husband’s persistent poking, loses her cool and exclaims, “I swear, if you touch me with that finger again, I’ll snap it in half!”

Remember to share this hilarious joke with your family and friends on Facebook. They’ll surely appreciate a good laugh too!

(Source: Bored Daddy)

Love and peace,