Two incredible sisters have undergone a stunning transformation, shedding the weight equivalent of an average woman. Amanda, 33, and Clare O’Neil, 26, both from London, embarked on a weight-loss journey that saw them collectively lose a remarkable amount of weight in just nine months.

Amanda, going from 14st 6lbs to 9st 5lbs, and Clare, dropping from 17st 7lbs to 10st 11lbs, are now completely different individuals. What prompted Amanda to take action was the discovery of abnormal cells during a routine smear test, leading her to face the possibility of a hysterectomy. Determined to recover from the procedure in the best possible condition, she sought the support of her sister Clare, who herself had struggled with her weight due to postnatal depression.

With Clare already shedding some pounds, the dynamic duo went on to lose an astonishing 10 stone between them. Amanda, who used to wear size 16, now comfortably fits into sizes eight to ten. She expressed her joy at being able to have her picture taken without feeling self-conscious and hiding behind baggy clothes. Amanda described her hysterectomy as a “lightbulb moment” and credited her sister Clare for making the journey much easier.

It wasn’t just a physical transformation for Amanda. She also experienced positive changes in her health. After losing weight, her follow-up smear test showed improved results, and she even saw a reduction in medication needed for Myasthenia gravis, a condition she had been managing. Amanda said, “I feel so much stronger and have so much more energy. I never realized how much my weight physically drained me.”

For Clare, the journey has been equally life-changing. As a dress size 22 before, she now comfortably fits into sizes six to eight. Clare shared how she had struggled with postnatal depression, which led to weight gain. She found herself caught in a cycle of unhealthy eating and unsuccessful diets. Now, she feels a renewed sense of energy and enjoyment in life. Clare happily participates in activities with her children, confidently goes out with friends, and has even conquered the fear of fitting into fair rides.

The positive impact of their weight loss extended beyond their physical appearance. Both sisters experienced improvements in their relationships and overall mindset. Clare noted, “Myself and my partner have probably had the best couple of months in our relationship because I have felt sexy, confident, and proud. Everything is much more positive. Because I feel as good as I do, I look at things in a totally different light.”

To achieve their incredible results, Amanda and Clare made significant changes to their eating habits. Here’s a closer look at their before and after diets.

Amanda’s Before Diet:

  • Breakfast: A full fry-up and a can of Coke from a café after the school run.
  • Lunch: Tesco meal deal, typically the triple all-day breakfast sandwich, with crisps and a large can of Red Bull.
  • Dinner: Takeaway meals such as kebabs, Indian food, Chinese cuisine, or pizza, accompanied by a bottle of Coke.

Amanda’s After Diet:

  • Breakfast: 1:1 golden syrup porridge and herbal tea.
  • Lunch: Salad and a glass of water mixed with 1:1 coconut water flavoring.
  • Dinner: Grilled meat or fish with vegetables and a small portion of rice or potatoes, accompanied by a large glass of water.
  • Snacks: 1:1 chocolate peanut bar.

Amanda used to consume large amounts of Coke and Red Bull but now focuses on hydration, drinking around two to three liters of water daily. If she craves a fizzy drink, she opts for fizzy water mixed with 1:1 flavoring. Her daily caloric intake ranges from 1500 to 1700 calories to maintain her weight loss.

Clare’s Before Diet:

  • Breakfast: Either no breakfast, a cafe fry-up, a bacon sandwich with tea, or a Coke.
  • Lunch: Chocolate croissants.
  • Dinner: Takeaway meals such as kebabs or a homemade dinner of burger and chips.
  • Snacks: Crisps and a whole share-size chocolate bar.

Clare’s After Diet:

  • Breakfast: A bowl of cereal and a cup of coffee.
  • Lunch: Chicken salad.
  • Dinner: Chicken breast or plant-based sausages with sweet potato and vegetables.

Clare designated takeaways and fizzy drinks as occasional treats rather than daily indulgences. She now manages to drink two liters of water per day, replacing her previous soda consumption.

Amanda and Clare’s journey is an inspiring testament to the transformative power of determination and support. They have not only gained confidence and improved their physical health but also found renewed happiness in their relationships and daily lives.