Since former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick took a knee to protest police brutality and racial injustice, his protest has spread like wildfire. Supporters of his cause have joined him in kneeling during the national anthem to raise awareness around these issues. However, some people who feel patriotic and have pride in the United States military are not happy about this form of protest, as they see it as an insult to America.

Recently, the football team from Monroe High School decided to take part in Kaepernick’s protest. Many of the players took a knee during the national anthem before a game. However, as soon as the players dropped down during the Star-Spangled Banner, the game’s two referees knew they needed to take a stand in their own way. They were unwilling to sit by and watch the high schoolers disrespect America like that, so they walked off the field and quit.

The referees who staged this counter-protest were 54-year-old Ernie Lunardelli and 27-year-old Anthony Lunardelli. Ernie was outraged to see teenagers taking a knee in protest during the anthem. He strongly believes that disrespecting the country, the flag, and the armed forces is unacceptable. For Ernie, this is his protest against the players’ actions.

Ernie recognizes everyone’s right to protest, but he questions why it has to occur during the pregame ceremony when the focus should be on football. He doesn’t care who is engaging in the protest – whether it’s a baby or an 80-year-old man, any race or color. He finds it frustrating that people are choosing to protest in this particular way.

Ernie had anticipated that the high school football players would kneel during the game. That’s why he had warned the league’s commissions that he would quit if any of the players knelt during a game he officiated. True to his word, when the students took a knee, Ernie and his son walked off the field.

After the Lunardellis left, they were replaced with two cadets on the chain crew. Ernie believes that the game should not count as official because of this change. He argues that the replacement crew members were not properly trained and were putting the student-athletes in jeopardy. Ernie is ready to fight this battle with the help of his lawyer, determined not to be driven out of town.

This incident highlights the ongoing debate surrounding protests during the national anthem and how it can affect different individuals. It serves as a reminder that while people have the right to express their opinions, it is important to consider the different perspectives and try to find common ground.