Once upon a time, in a small town, a police officer on horseback stopped a little girl who was riding her bike. With a friendly smile, he asked her, “Did Santa get you that bike?” The little girl happily replied, “Yes, he did!”

Cop on horse

The officer then pointed out, “Well, next year, ask Santa to put a reflector light on it, okay?” As a result, he fined her $5 for not having a reflector light on her bike. The little girl looked up at the cop, not discouraged but rather curious, and said, “Nice horse you’ve got there. Did Santa bring you that?”

Amused by her question, the cop chuckled and responded, “Yes, he sure did!” The clever little girl then offered some lighthearted advice, saying, “Well, next year, tell Santa that the tool goes under the horse, not on top of it!”