Late one night, a woman found herself stranded in the countryside when her car broke down. Desperate for help, she stumbled upon an old farmhouse where two elderly men offered their assistance.

“Can we help ya, miss?” they asked kindly.

The woman explained her situation, requesting a ride to the nearest town so she could arrange for a tow truck. To her surprise, the men informed her that the town was closed for the night but invited her to spend the night at their farmhouse.

Caught between a rock and a hard place, the woman reluctantly agreed, thinking to herself, “Well, I don’t have much of a choice. Besides, I can handle myself.”

As they entered the house, the men shared with her an unusual circumstance. “Just so you know, miss, we only have one bed in this house. You’ll have to sleep with us…”

Intrigued by the charming country boys, the woman consented to their arrangement. However, just before they undressed, she brought up an important matter.

“By the way, do you have protection?” she asked cautiously.

Confused, the men inquired about the purpose of such an item. The woman explained that condoms prevent pregnancy. It became apparent that these humble country folk were not familiar with such things.

Without hesitation, the woman revealed that she happened to carry two condoms in her purse. Handing them over, she advised, “Here, put them on.”

Relieved and intrigued by the woman’s preparedness, the men agreed and proceeded to enjoy a passionate night together. In the morning, the brothers kindly drove the woman to town, where she had her car repaired. Before parting ways, she blew them a grateful kiss and drove off into the sunrise.

A month later, as the brothers sat on their porch, sweaty and uncomfortable, they began reminiscing about the woman who had crossed their path.

“Ed, do you remember that lady who stayed with us last month?” one asked.

With a mischievous grin, the other replied, “Yep. She was quite something, wasn’t she?”

Both men paused for a moment before one casually asked, “Say, do you think we should really care if she gets pregnant?”

His brother, equally nonchalant, replied, “Not really.”

Chuckling, they decided to remove the condoms, realizing that their earlier concern was needless.

And so, this unforgettable night in the countryside became a cherished memory for the two elderly brothers.