Christie and Wesley Werts: Building a Beautiful Blended Family

Five years ago, Christie and Wesley Werts embarked on a journey of love, becoming a blended family when they exchanged vows. They combined Christie’s daughter, Megan, with Wesley’s children, Austin and Dakota, creating a beautiful and loving family. Little did they know that their love story would take an extraordinary turn, leading them to welcome a miracle baby, Levi, into their lives through adoption.

The Resilience and Determination of the Werts Family

The journey to Levi’s adoption was not an easy one. It required patience, resilience, and unwavering determination from the Werts family. They eagerly waited for 16 months for the adoption process to finalize, anxiously anticipating bringing their baby boy home.

A Twist of Fate: Levi’s Unique Adoption Story

Levi’s adoption story took an unexpected turn that resembled a dream come true for Christie and her family. Born in Texas in August 2021, Levi’s biological mother, who happened to be Wesley’s former partner, faced challenges related to drug use during her pregnancy. Tragically, she passed away just four days after Levi’s premature birth at 33 weeks, a victim of addiction and complications linked to the coronavirus.

A Mother’s Intuition and Dreams

The couple discovered Levi’s existence when Wesley received heartbreaking news about his ex-wife from her sister. But even more remarkable was Christie’s recurring dream of a blue-eyed blond baby for three months before they even knew about Levi. This dream became a significant factor in her decision to adopt Levi and provide him with a stable and loving home.

Love at First Sight: Meeting Levi

The Werts family flew from Ohio to Texas to meet Levi through Child Protection Services. To their astonishment, their first meeting with Levi mirrored Christie’s dream exactly. Seeing the blond-haired, blue-eyed baby, Christie fell in love instantly, knowing in her heart that this precious child was meant to be her son.

Overcoming Obstacles: The Adoption Process

The adoption process can be challenging, especially when it involves infants. The Werts family faced additional hurdles along the way. They sold their house in Ohio and relocated to Texas for court proceedings, which involved the termination of Levi’s biological father’s parental rights. It was a long and arduous legal process that required house inspections, interviews, and court appearances.

A Joyful Conclusion: Levi Comes Home

After enduring 16 months of waiting and perseverance, Levi’s adoption was finally finalized. Christie and Wesley could finally bring their beloved baby boy home, completing their family and fulfilling their dreams.

An Unexpected Backlash: Criticism on the Internet

Despite the heartwarming nature of this story, Christie faced criticism from some internet users who questioned her decision to share their journey online. They expressed concern about the potential impact on Levi’s well-being as he grows up. However, many others were happy for the couple and sent their well wishes, hoping for a happy life for the new family.

We would love to hear your thoughts on this remarkable story. Do you believe in the power of destiny? Let us know in the comments below!


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