Meet Owen, a remarkable two-year-old boy who defied all odds after suffering third-degree burns over 98% of his body. His journey of survival and strength has become an inspiration to many.

Two-year-old given a '0% chance of survival' after receiving burns to 98% of his body is now inspiring others - Celebrity Insider

Owen’s tragic incident occurred when he was just a toddler. His biological mother submerged him in scalding hot water, causing extensive second- and third-degree burns. Shockingly, she waited two hours before seeking medical help. When Owen arrived at Shriners Children’s Hospital in Dayton, Ohio, doctors gave him a devastating “0% chance to survive.”

But against all expectations, Owen fought courageously, thanks to the dedicated team at Shriners. The renowned pediatric facility specializing in burn care immediately began providing the lifesaving treatment he desperately needed. Owen’s adoptive mother, Susan Mahan, vividly remembers the heartbreaking sight of her son covered in sores and burns. She knew her life would be forever changed.

Now 16 years old, Owen has undergone an astounding 47 surgeries at Shriners, each one bringing him closer to his incredible journey of recovery. The hospital has been a pillar of hope for Owen and his family, providing various forms of care, from wound cleaning to multiple skin grafting procedures. Susan, a mother of nine and grandmother of seven, has become Owen’s primary caregiver, tending to his wounds at home in between hospital visits.

Owen’s resilience shines through amidst all the challenges he has faced. Despite enduring unimaginable pain and hardship, he greets each day with a smile. His positive attitude and indomitable spirit have made him an inspiration to many. Owen dedicates himself to uplifting others who are also going through similar challenges. He serves as a patient ambassador for Shriners, sharing his journey with fellow burn injury patients, providing them hope and motivation.

Reflecting on Owen’s remarkable transformation from a “0% chance to survive” to a beacon of hope, Susan firmly believes that he has a greater purpose. She sees his survival as a testament to God’s plan: “God left him here for a reason. And I truly think it’s to inspire others.”

For Owen, Shriners is not just a hospital—it’s family. They gave him life, helped him walk, and accepted him for who he is. Owen expresses his gratitude towards Shriners, acknowledging that he wouldn’t be alive today without them.

We are in awe of Owen’s strength and the unwavering support he receives from his loving family and the incredible team at Shriners Children’s Hospital. Their story reminds us that hope, resilience, and the power of love can triumph over the most challenging circumstances. We wish Owen and his family all the best for their future!