In a heart-wrenching moment, Nola Swart said her final goodbye to her beloved husband, Fred. Little did she know that this farewell would be anything but final. As Nola leaned over to kiss Fred’s lips one last time, she was stunned to see him blink.

At Her Husband’s Funeral, Woman Leans to Kiss Him for the Last Time and Sees Him Blinking — Story of the Day

The day started like any other for Nola and Fred. Nola was spending some quality time with her daughter while Fred and his best friend enjoyed a fishing trip at their lakeside cabin. But their peaceful day took a tragic turn when Nola received a phone call that would shatter her world.

The voice on the other end wasn’t Fred’s, but his best friend, James. Nola’s heart sank as James delivered the devastating news—Fred was gone. It felt like a bad joke, but deep down, Nola knew it was true. James, usually tough and strong, was crying like a baby.

In a daze, Nola called her mother for support and rushed to the coroner’s office to see Fred. With James by her side, Nola stood motionless as the white sheet was pulled back, revealing his lifeless face. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she listened to the coroner explain that Fred had suffered a massive heart attack.

Nola rejected the suggestion of an autopsy, wanting Fred to rest in peace. She organized Fred’s transportation home and arranged for an open casket funeral, just as Fred had wanted. Friends and family gathered to pay their final respects to the vibrant and fun-loving man they had cherished.

As the mourners took turns approaching the casket, offering whispered messages and prayers, Nola’s anger grew. She couldn’t comprehend why a loving God would take Fred away, leaving her and their child fatherless. In her grief, Nola cried out, challenging those who prayed to ask God what she would tell her baby.

Amidst the commotion, Nola’s mother tried to console her. But Nola wasn’t ready to say goodbye. She walked up to the casket, trembling, and gently caressed Fred’s face. With tear-stained cheeks, she whispered her love and kissed his lips, savoring this precious moment.

And then, something unbelievable happened. Fred blinked. At first, Nola questioned her own sanity, thinking it was a hallucination born out of desperation. But Fred blinked again, confirming that he was indeed alive. In a frenzy, Nola called for help, and Fred was swiftly rushed to the hospital.

The doctor’s diagnosis revealed that Fred had succumbed to a severe allergic reaction after being stung by a bee, plunging him into a deep coma that mimicked death. Nola’s refusal of an autopsy and a traditional funeral had spared Fred from further procedures, allowing him to recover under medical care.

Within days, Fred was back home, full of life and vigor. The entire ordeal was a miracle—a second chance granted to their family by a compassionate God. Nola would never forget the anguish of seeing Fred in the coffin, but she was grateful for the opportunity to hold him in her arms once again.

In the end, this extraordinary event served as a reminder that life is unpredictable, and faith is a constant source of strength. Nola’s story is a testament to the power of hope and the resilience of the human spirit.