Mom Shares Video Of Dying 2-year-old Daughter’s Last Moments Singing Her Favorite Song • Writical

As parents, our natural instinct is to protect our children and shield them from harm. But sometimes, life throws us unexpected challenges that test our strength and resilience. This is the heartbreaking story of Magalli Jimenez and her daughter Ava Skye.

Ava Skye came into this world, bringing immense joy and happiness to her parents. Her first year was full of unforgettable moments. However, when Ava turned 13 months old, everything changed. Her mother noticed her discomfort and took her to the doctor, only to receive devastating news. Ava was diagnosed with a muscular cancer that was hindering her growth and causing her significant pain.

With a heavy heart, Magalli prepared herself to face the battle ahead. She held onto hope as she watched her little girl endure grueling chemotherapy sessions. And finally, after numerous rounds of treatment and check-ups, Skye was declared to be in remission. It was a moment of immense joy for the entire family.

Little did they know that their precious Ava would relapse so soon. In July 2022, Skye’s cancer returned, resistant to therapy. The doctors explained that the only option left was surgery, but it came with little hope for recovery due to her young age. The news shattered the family’s hopes and brought them to their knees.

Magalli knew that time was running out. She made the heart-wrenching decision to place Ava in hospice care, ensuring her last days were filled with comfort and love. Despite her own grief, she smiled, laughed, and made every effort to make Ava’s remaining days as joyful as possible.

“We will just let her live her life and enjoy her and do all the things that we’ve ever wanted to do with her. We’ve made a bucket list for her,” Magalli shared with a heartfelt sincerity.

To support Magalli and Ava, their friend Davina Galvan set up a GoFundMe page. The goal was to raise $5,000, allowing the family to fulfill Ava’s bucket list. The community rallied together, showing their love and support during this incredibly difficult time.

On August 22, 2022, Ava Skye peacefully passed away in the loving arms of her mother. Magalli cradled her close, experiencing a mix of heartbreak and relief, knowing her precious baby was finally free from pain. But before her final moments, Ava, barely able to stand, sang her favorite song to her mother. It was a bittersweet serenade filled with love, “I love you. You love me. We are a happy family. With a great big hug and a kiss kiss.”

Magalli captured this poignant moment on video, wanting to preserve the memory of her daughter’s beautiful spirit. She bravely shared the video on social media, allowing the world to witness the profound bond between mother and child in Ava’s last hours.

“My heart will forever be broken, it will never be the same, but I promised her that I would live for her. Hug your kiddos a little harder today, even when they drive you insane,” Magalli expressed with deep sorrow.

The loss of Skye is unimaginable, and our thoughts are with her family as they navigate through this painful journey. Let us honor Ava’s memory by sharing her story and reminding the world of the remarkable and sweet soul she was during her time with us.