Weddings are magical moments filled with love and joy. But for Becky Turner, her special day was bittersweet as it marked the recent loss of her son. Determined not to let her life fall apart completely, she did everything she could to make her marriage to the man of her dreams go smoothly. Little did she know that a stranger would arrive and completely change the course of events.

Triston, Becky’s 19-year-old son, tragically died from an unintentional gunshot wound. Despite the heartbreak, Triston’s legacy lives on through his decision to become an organ donor. His organs gave others the chance to live the life he was unable to.

When the day of Becky and Kelly’s wedding arrived, Becky made sure to reserve a seat for her son. With a note that would touch anyone’s heart, Becky honored her son’s memory even though he couldn’t physically be there.

The wedding ceremony seemed to be going according to plan, with Becky and Kelly ready to exchange vows. But just moments before they were pronounced husband and wife, something unexpected happened.

Kelly had been hiding a secret from Becky for months. A secret that would bring tears to everyone at the wedding. As soon as Becky saw Jacob Kilby, a 21-year-old man at the ceremony, she recognized him. Jacob had received Triston’s heart as an organ transplant.

In the months leading up to the wedding, Kelly had reached out to Jacob and invited him to attend. Jacob had traveled 480 miles to be there, carrying Triston’s heart within him.

As if hearing the heartbeat of her deceased son in Jacob’s chest wasn’t enough, Becky listened to it herself using a stethoscope. It was the first time since the tragic accident that she had heard her son’s heart, and it had a profound impact on her special day.

Although nothing can bring Triston back, his legacy lives on through Jacob. The presence of Triston’s heart at the wedding moved everyone present to tears. Becky can take comfort in knowing that both a physical and spiritual aspect of her son were there with her on her wedding day.

I don’t know about you, but reading about this story definitely brought tears to my eyes. If you were moved by this tale of love and loss, please help us share it by spreading the word on Facebook.